Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5718 Date Created 1894 - 1919 Description Estate accounts & Rent book from the Shipley & Baildon Estates of Sir James Roberts Format handwritten Identifier H2-001 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Roberts Rent books Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5719 Date Created 1900 - 1905 Description Booklet: Miscellaneous documents re.Insurance, Rates, Rents for various properties Format handwritten Identifier H2-002 Subject Roberts family Real Estate Title Roberts Account books Type business document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5720 Date Created 1910 - 1922 Description Booklet: Tax document re. Milner Field Format typewritten Identifier H2-003 Subject Salt family homes Roberts family Real Estate Title Roberts Tax document Type business document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5721 Date Created 1903 Description Booklet: Account documents for Milner Field Identifier H2-004 Subject Salt family homes Title Roberts Account books Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5722 Date Created 1906 - 1918 Description Booklet: Tax, Insurance & Rates re. The Knoll, Baildon Format typewritten Identifier H2-005 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Roberts Tax records Type business document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5723 Date Created 1913 - 1917 Description Booklet: Sir James Roberts' Investments and financial records Identifier H2-006 Subject Roberts family Business Title Roberts investment records Type document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5724 Date Created 1915 - 1917 Description Booklet: Sir Titus Salt Bart & Sons Ltd. Investments Format typewritten Identifier H2-007 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Roberts Investments Type business document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5725 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1917 Description Book of letters in a red coloured bound ledger, with numbered pages. The letters are mainly typed and are a record of the letters sent by Sir James Roberts while he owned and managed Salts Mill. They cover many business dealings concerning Salts Mill, management of the Mill and Sir James's Milner Field Estate, difficulties in trade during the First World War, the position of his only surviving son in the army during the war. A letter to Mr August Bermann in 1914 dealing with trade in Russia. A letter to Mr Lodge in 1917 discusses the winding up of Belwarp Ltd which was a subsidiary company of Sir Titus Salts Bart., Sons and Co Ltd, based in Argentina. A letter in 1916 to Michael Sadler, Vice-chancellor of the University of Leeds, offers an endowment of £10,000 to establish a chair of Russian. Format typewritten Identifier H2-008a Subject Textile industry Education Warfare and defence Title Roberts' letter book 1914-1917 Type book -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5726 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1918 - 1919 Description 2 copies of a booklet: 'Selection of Letters from Sir James Roberts' Letter Book' compiled by Ian Watson Format handwritten Identifier H2-009a-c Subject Roberts family Textile industry Warfare and defence Title Selection of Letters from Sir James Roberts Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5727 Date Created 1869 Description Copy of a conveyance of Milner Field & Stubbing House from Sir Titus Salt to Titus Salt Junior. Format typewritten Identifier H2-012a Subject Real Estate Salt family homes Title Milner Field Conveyance Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5728 Date Created 1872 Description 2 copies of a mortgage agreement between Titus Salt & John Crossley etc. for Milner Field Identifier H2-013a-b Subject Real Estate Salt family homes Salt family Title Mortgage agreement for Milner Field Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5729 Date Created 1881 Description Copy of a Sale Agreement for the Saltaire Estate between William Henry Salt and other member of the Salt family and Sir Titus Salt Bart & Co. Ltd. Identifier H2-014 Subject Real Estate Salts Mill Saltaire village Title Sale Agreement for the Saltaire Estate Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5730 Date Created 1881 Description Copy of a Sale Agreement between Edward & Titus Salt, Charles Stead & Sir Titus Salt Bart & Co. Ltd. Identifier H2-015 Subject Real Estate Salts Mill Title Sale Agreement Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5731 Date Created 1895 Description Copies of a mortgage agreement between Edward Crossley & E. Crossley etc. for Milner Field Format typewritten Identifier H2-016a Subject Salt family homes Salt family Real Estate Title Milner Field mortgage Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5732 Date Created 1898 Description Copy of a mortgate redemption between Catherine Salt and Edward Crossley for Milner Field Identifier H2-017b Subject Salt family homes Real Estate Salt family Title Catherine Salt mortgage Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5733 Date Created 1902 Description Copy of a conveyance of Milner Field & Stubbing House from Edward Crossley to Catherine Salt Identifier H2-018a Subject Salt family homes Real Estate Salt family Title Milner Field mortgage Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5734 Date Created 1915 Description Copy of a Lease for Hirst Mill between Sir Titus Salt Bart & Sons Ltd. & Glyn Thomas Identifier H2-019 Subject Real Estate Title Lease for Hirst Mill Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5735 Date Created 1918 Description Copy of an arbitration document between Glyn Thomas (Hirst Mill) & Sir Titus Salt Bart & Sons Ltd. Identifier H2-020a Subject Real Estate Title Arbitration document regarding Hirst Mill Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5736 Date Created 1918 Description A letter-head from Glyn Thomas & Co. showing a sketch plan for the re-building after the fire at Hirst Mill Identifier H2-020b Subject Real Estate Title Sketch plan for Hirst Mill Type business document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5737 Date Created 1873 Description The marriage licence for James Roberts and Elizabeth Foster in 1873 Identifier H2-021c Subject Roberts family Family history Title Roberts marriage licence Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5738 Date Created 1874 Description Birth certificate for James William Roberts, the son of James and Elizabeth Roberts Identifier H2-022a Subject Family history Roberts family Title James William Roberts birth certificate Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5739 Date Created 1876 Description (1) a birth certificate for Bertram Foster Roberts, the son of James and Elizabeth Roberts; (2) a birth certificate for Mary Jane Edith Roberts, the daughter of James and Elizabeth Roberts Identifier H2-023a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Birth certificates for Bertram Foster Roberts and Mary Jane Edith Roberts Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5740 Date Created 1893 Description Birth certificate for John Edward Roberts, the son of James and Elizabeth Roberts Identifier H2-025a Subject Roberts family Family history Title John Edward Roberts birth certificate Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5741 Date Created 1852 Description Copy of a birth certificate for Elizabeth Foster, the daughter of William & Mary Foster Identifier H2-026c Subject Roberts family Family history Title Elizabeth Foster Birth certificate Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5742 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/12715 Date Created 1897 Description Copy of a decorated letter from Shipley Urban District Council Election Committee to James Roberts on his election Format typewritten Identifier H2-027 Subject Roberts family Politics Title James Roberts election to local council Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5743 Date Created 1898 Description The grave certificate from Nab Wood Cemetery for James Willie Roberts, purchased by James Roberts Format printed Identifier H2-028b Subject Roberts family Title Grave certificate for James Willie Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5744 Date Created 1911 Description Copy of 'The Gentleman's Journal etc' (containing an article on Salts Mill) Format printed Identifier H2-029 Subject Salts Mill Title Salts Mill article Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5745 Date Created 1936 Description Copy of an Auction catalogue for 'Fairlight Hall' near Hastings. Fairlight Hall was the home of Sir James Roberts and his wife Lady Elizabeth Roberts in later life. Format printed Identifier H2-030 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Fairlight Hall Type document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5746 Date Created 1936 Description Copy of a Settlement agreement for a trust fund for Mrs C.K.Hinds Howell by Mrs E.G.Roberts Format typewritten Identifier H2-031 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Settlement agreement Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5747 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts originating from a newspaper article celebrate the wedding of Bertram Roberts and Gertrude Denby Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-040 Subject Roberts family Saltaire village Family history Title Mr. Bertram F. Roberts. Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5749 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of the street decorations in Saltaire to celebrate the wedding of Bertram Roberts and Gertrude Denby. Placed in Victoria Road with sign 'We Rejoice Greatly' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-045d Subject Roberts family Saltaire village Family history Title Bertram Foster Roberts' wedding Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5750 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of Salts Mill with sign 'Success'. Photograph of the decorations for the wedding of Bertram Roberts and Gertrude Denby. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-046d Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Family history Title Bertram Foster Roberts' wedding Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5751 Date Created 1903 Description Photographs of the street decorations in Victoria Road, Saltaire to celebrate the wedding of Bertram Roberts and Gertrude Denby Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-047c Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title Bertram Foster Roberts' wedding - decorations Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5752 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of the street decorations in Saltaire to celebrate the wedding of Bertram & Gertrude, showing of Saltaire Park entrance with sign 'Welcome' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-048c Subject Roberts family Family history Open spaces Title Bertram Foster Roberts' wedding Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5753 Date Created 1903 Description Photographs of the street decorations in Saltaire to celebrate the wedding of Bertram Robers & Gertrude Denby, of Saltaire Park with sign 'United' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-049d Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title Street decorations for Bertram Foster Roberts' wedding Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5754 Date Created 1903 Description Photographs of the street decorations in Saltaire to celebrate the wedding of Bertram Roberts and Gertrude Denby. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-050a-e Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title Bertram Roberts' wedding - street decorations Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5755 Date Created 1938 Description Partial Photocopy of book: Two Lives Converge'a joint autobiography by Sybil Bolton and John Robert Glorney Bolton. Sybil was the daughter of Alice Maud Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-055 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Two Lives Converge Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5756 Date Created 20th century, early Description A studio photograph of Sir James Roberts, seated with book and spectacles, by 'Lafeyette' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-060a-b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts studio photograph Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5757 Creator Hubert and Henry Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts, seated with newspaper, by 'Hubert & Henry' of Bradford Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-061a,d Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5758 Creator Rosemont Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts at a table, by 'Rosemont' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-062b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts photograph portrait Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5759 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts, seated with clasped hands Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-063a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts photograph Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5760 Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts (full faced studio photograph), by 'Rosemont' of Rawson Sq. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-064 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5761 Date Created 20th century, early Description Sir James Roberts (full face & profile studio photograph) Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-065a,d Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts photograph portrait Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5762 Date Created 19th century, late Description A profile studio photograph of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-066 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5763 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts, seated with arms folded Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-067 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5764 Creator Elliot and Fry Date Created 20th century, early Description Sir James Roberts, standing with hands behind his back Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-068a-b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts standing Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5765 Date Created 1909 Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts & Lady Roberts from Shipley Times Supplement 12th Nov. 1909 Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-069 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts & Lady Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5766 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James & Lady Roberts with Denby, Aykroyd family (individuals are identified) Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-070a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James and Lady Roberts with family members Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5767 Date Created 1901 Description Photocopy of a Yorkshire Post article on James Roberts' taking sole control of Salts Mill 19th Sept. 1901 Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-071 Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Textile industry Title James Roberts take control of Salts Mill Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5768 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/12579 Date Created 21st century, early Description Typed list of James Roberts' management history written by local historian Colin Coates. Format typewritten Identifier H2-072 Subject Textile industry Roberts family Title James Roberts' management history Type research document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5769 Date Created 1906 - 1914 Description Photograph of keys presented to James Roberts by Shipley Urban District Council 1906. Also includes two sheets of information notes Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-073a,b,e,f Subject Roberts family Celebration Title Ceremonial keys presented to Sir James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5770 Description Photograph of the scroll and casket presented by his staff to James Roberts. Identifier H2-074 Subject Roberts family Celebration Title Scroll and casket Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5771 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James and Lady Roberts in a gondola with Venice backdrop Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-075b Subject Roberts family Holidays Title Sir James and Lady Roberts in Venice Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5772 Date Created 20th century, early Description A print of a painting of Sir James and Lady Roberts at Fairlight Hall in Hastings. Sir James and his wife moved to Fairlight Hall after Sir James retired. Format printed Identifier H2-076 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Painting of Sir James & Lady Roberts in retirement at Fairlight Hall Type print -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5773 Date Created 1936 Description Copy of a 'Thank-You' card sent to commiserators on the death of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-077a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Thank-you card Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5774 Date Created 1900 Description The history of the management of Salts Mill up to 1900 by an unknown author Identifier H2-078 Subject Salts Mill Mill staff Title Management of Salts Mill Type leaflet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5775 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts with Betty, Mary & James Denby Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-079 Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title Bertram Roberts and family members Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5776 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1915 Description Article and photograph from Shipley Times & Express on new Turbo-generator at Salts Mill (8th Oct. 1915) Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-080 Subject Salts Mill Mill machinery and processes Textile industry Title A new Turbo-generator at Salts Mill Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5777 Date Created 1915 Description Photograph of the naming of the new Turbo-generator by the grandchildren of James Roberts. The generator is named 'Mary' after his granddaughter. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-081a,c Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Mill machinery and processes Title Naming the new turbo-generator Mary Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5778 Date Created 1915 Description Photograph of the naming of the new Turbo-generator by the grandchildren of James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-082a Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Mill machinery and processes Title Naming of the new Turbo-generato Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5779 Date Created 1915 Description Photograph of 'Mary' the new Turbo-generator at Salts Mill with engineer Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-083a Subject Mill machinery and processes Salts Mill Title 'Mary' the new Turbo-generator Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5780 Date Created 1914 Description Photograph of Sir James & James Denby Roberts with Percy Illingworth MP opening Saltaire Cricket Pavillion, 9th May 1914. James Roberts had provided funding for the pavillion. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-084a Subject Sport Philanthropy Title Opening of Saltaire Cricket Pavillion Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5781 Date Created 1914 Description Copy of the Bradford Daily Telegraph article on the opening of the Saltaire Cricket Pavillion, 1914. James Roberts had provided funding for the pavillion. Format printed Identifier H2-085b Subject Sport Philanthropy Title Opening of the Saltaire Cricket Pavillion Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5782 Creator Yorkshire Observer Date Created 1914 Description Article on the opening of the Saltaire Cricket Pavillion from the Yorkshire Observer. James Roberts had provided funding for the pavillion. Format printed Identifier H2-086b Subject Sport Philanthropy Title The opening of the Saltaire Cricket Pavillion Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5783 Date Created 1927 Description Photograph of the wedding of James Denby Roberts and Irene Dunn at Uppingham, 1927. People on the photograph are identfied. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-087a,c Subject Roberts family Family history Title Wedding of James Denby Roberts and Irene Dunn Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5784 Date Created 1934 Description Photograph of the christening of Susan Elizabeth Roberts, daughter of James Denby Roberts Identifier H2-088a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Christening of Susan Elizabeth Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5785 Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of James Denby Roberts, as a young man Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-089a,c Subject Roberts family Family history Title James Denby Roberts as a young man Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5786 Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of James Denby Roberts, as a young man with arms folded Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-090 Subject Roberts family Family history Title James Denby Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5787 Description Photograph of James Denby Roberts seated at a desk Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-091 Subject Roberts family Family history Title James Denby Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5788 Date Created 19th century, late Description Two studio photos of unidentified young boys but are likely to be sons of Sir James Roberts (James Denby, Harry, or Jack Roberts) Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-092 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Young members of the Roberts family Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5789 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of Margaret Aykroyd with mother May, grandmother and great grandmother Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-093a,c,d Subject Roberts family Family history Title Margaret Aykroyd and family members Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5790 Date Created 1910 Description Photograph of Barnardo's Roberts Memorial Home in Harrogate Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-094a Subject Philanthropy Welfare Title Barnardo's Roberts Memorial Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5791 Date Created 20th century, early Description 2 photographs of the opening of Barnardo's Roberts Memorial Home in Harrogate by Sir James and Lady Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-095a-b Subject Philanthropy Welfare Title Opening of Barnardo's Roberts Memorial Home Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5792 Date Created 2016 Description Research paper on the opening of Barnardo's Roberts Memorial Home in Harrogate (July 1916) Format typewritten Identifier H2-096b-d Subject Philanthropy Welfare Title Opening of Barnardo's Roberts Memorial Home Type research document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5793 Description Photograph and an email note (?) regarding a plaque to the memory of John Roberts in St. Margaret's Church Ilkley Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-098b-c Subject Roberts family Family history Title John Roberts memorial plaque Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5794 Date Created 1897 Description Photograph of an unidentified group ( on reverse: 'For Willie, with grandmother's love Dec. 1897') Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-099a Subject Roberts family Title Family group Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5795 Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of an unidentified group including a man with a rifle, also a dog Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-100 Subject Roberts family Family history Title A hunting party Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5796 Description An unidentified group outside a hotel Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-101a Subject Roberts family Title Group outside a hotel Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5797 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Clara Denby, wife of Ellis Denby, with book by 'Lafeyette' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-102 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Clara Denby Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5798 Date Created 20th century, early Description A studio photograph of Clara Denby, wife of Ellis Denby, with a black plumed hat Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-103a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Clara Denby Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5799 Date Created 2012 Description Photograph of the Salt & Roberts families at a Saltaire Festival Symposium September 2012 Format photograph (colour) Identifier H2-104 Subject Salt family Roberts family Heritage Title Salt & Roberts families Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5800 Date Created 2012 Description Photograph of the Salt & Roberts families at a Saltaire Festival Symposium September 2012 Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-105 Subject Salt family Roberts family Heritage Title Salt & Roberts families Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5801 Date Created 2013 Description Copy of a newspaper article about Jamie Roberts walking his Alpacas at Saltaire in 2013 Format printed Identifier H2-106a Subject Roberts family Title Jamie Roberts walking his alpacas Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5802 Date Created 2013 Description 2 Original Yorkshire Post magazine article 'Tales from the Riverbank' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-111a-b Subject Roberts family Saltaire village Title Tales from the Riverbank Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5803 Date Created 2013 Description Section of pages of 'Living Magazine' article 'An Escape to the Country' re. Jamie Roberts and his Trout farm Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-113b Subject Roberts family Agriculture Title Jamie Roberts and his trout farm Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5804 Description 3 photocopies of article 'Who do you think you are' Format printed Identifier H2-114a-c Subject Salts Mill Title Who do you think you are Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5805 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of a casket, with model alpaca on top, and Salt coat of arms on the side Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-115a Subject Salts Mill Celebration Roberts family Title James Roberts' retirement Casket Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5806 Date Created 20th century, early to mid Description Photograph of the plaque on the presenting of Saltaire Park to the Borough of Bradford by James Roberts. The plaque commemorates Sir James's son Bertram Foster Roberts who had died in 1912. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-116 Subject Open spaces Celebration Philanthropy Title Commemoration plaque for Roberts Park Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5807 Description Photograph of Milner Field from the terrace Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-117a,b,d Subject Salt family homes Title Milner Field Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5808 Description Photograph of Burling and Mending Department. at Salts Mill Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-118a Subject Salts Mill Mill machinery and processes Textile industry Title Salts Mill Burling & Mending Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5809 Creator Watson, Ian Date Created 21st century, early Description Booklet: 'The Letters of John Baker' compiled by Ian Watson. John Baker acted as local agent in Saltaire for Sir James Roberts after Sir James' retirement and move from Saltire. The letters contain a great deal of information on land dealings, rents, pensions and other business issues. Format typewritten Identifier H2-119 Subject Textile industry Real Estate Mill staff Title The Letters of John Baker Type research document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5810 Creator Watson, Ian Date Created 21st century, early Description Booklet: 'Various Lists from Baker's Papers' compiled by Ian Watson. John Baker acted as local agent in Saltaire for Sir James Roberts after Sir James' retirement and move from Saltire. The letters contain a great deal of information on land dealings, rents, pensions and other business issues. Format typewritten Identifier H2-119b Subject Textile industry Real Estate Title Various Lists from Baker's Papers Type research document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5812 Description Map of Midgley Farm, Coach Road, Baildon with a total of the acreage of farm and wood. The types of land (arable, pasture and tennis grounds) have been written on the map in red. Midgley Farm was part of the Robert's Estate and is detailed in H2-001 (Baildon and Shipley Rent Book) and aspects of the management of the farms in the Robert estate are described in the baker letters. Identifier H2-121 Subject Real Estate Agriculture Maps and guides Title Map of Midgley Farm, Coach Road, Baildon Type map -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5813 Creator Horsfall and Williams Date Created 19th century, mid Description Plan of the Milner Field, Stubbing House and Trench Estates copied by Horsfall and Williams Surveyors, Halifax. Hand-written text in the centre of the map reads 'reduced plan referred to by this deed'. The Milner Field estate has been coloured green with the exception of one lot which has been coloured red. Sir Titus Salt Esquire is listed as the owner of lands adjacent to Trench Estate and Saltaire is shown on the map. Identifier H2-122 Subject Salt family homes Real Estate Maps and guides Title Map of the Milner Field estate Type map -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5814 Creator Dixon & Hart Surveyors Date Created 19th century, late Description Plan drawn up by Dixon & Hart Surveyors Bradford of the Milner Field and Stubbing House Estates. The map shows the estate in coloured lots of red, green and yellow. There is a reference key at the top of the map which lists land owners and a table to the left which lists the contents (buildings, gardens and land) as well as occupiers on the estates. Sir Titus Salt is listed on the map as the owner of the Trench Estate and as having purchased the lot coloured in yellow from B Whitley and R Mossman Identifier H2-123a Subject Salt family homes Real Estate Maps and guides Title Map of Milner Field and Stubbing House estates Type map -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5815 Date Created 20th century, early Description Black and white estate map of Milner Field . Areas of the map have been highlighted in pink (presumably to signify ownership by Roberts?) these areas are: Milner Field, Milner Field Farm, Oakfield House, Primrose Hill, buildings at Dowley gap, Bully Coppy Wood, Fell Wood, Spring Farm, Lane End Farm, Glen View Cottage, Daisy Bank, Strawberry Garden, Bracken Hall, Old Glen House and Trench Farm as well as some additional buildings in Gilstead and Baildon. Identifier H2-124a Subject Maps and guides Real Estate Salt family homes Title Milner Field estate the Property of Sir James Roberts Esq Type map -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5816 Date Created 1872 Description 3 part mortgage document: 'Titus Salt to John Crossley' re. Milner Field & Stubbing House estate Format handwritten Identifier H2-125a-c Subject Real Estate Salt family homes Title Milner Field mortgage document Type legal document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5817 Description Photograph of a plaque to the memory of John Edward Roberts in St. Margaret's Church Ilkley Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-126 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Roberts Memorial plaque Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5818 Date Created 1902 Description 'The Coronation of Edward VII + 'Shipley and the Coronation' (Bradford Daily Telegraph) Format printed Identifier H2-130 Subject Celebration Title Coronation of Edward VII Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5819 Date Created 1903 Description 'Wedding of Bertram Foster Roberts to Gertrude Denby' (Ladies Pictorial) Format printed Identifier H2-131 Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title Roberts Wedding photograph Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5820 Date Created 1903 Description 'Jubilee of the Foundation of Saltaire' (Yorkshire Daily Observer 19th September 1903) Identifier H2-132 Subject Salts Mill Celebration Title Jubilee of the Foundation of Saltaire Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5821 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1903 Description 'Jubilee of the Foundation of Saltaire', newspaper article from the Shipley Times & Express Format printed Identifier H2-133 Subject Saltaire village Salts Mill Celebration Title Jubilee of the Foundation of Saltaire Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5822 Date Created 1903 Description 'Salt Schools Presidential Address' (Shipley Times & Express 2nd October 1903) Identifier H2-134 Subject Education Title Salt Schools Presidential Address Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5823 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 20th century, early Description 'Salt Schools Presidential Address by the Archbishop of York', article from Shipley Times & Express Format printed Identifier H2-135 Subject Education Title Salt Schools Presidential Address by the Archbishop of York Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5824 Creator Yorkshire Observer Date Created 1903 Description 'A Statue of Sir Titus Salt: Gift by Mr James Roberts' - an article in the Yorkshire Observer Format printed Identifier H2-136 Subject Salt family Philanthropy Open spaces Title A Statue of Sir Titus Salt: Gift by Mr James Roberts Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5825 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1903 Description A newspaper article on the history of Saltaire. Published in 1903 when Sir James Roberts commissioned a statue of Saltaire's founder, SIr TItus Salt, to be placed in Saltaire Park (now Roberts Park). There are photographs of the statue, Sir James Roberts and his son Bertram Roberts and of Salts Mill. Format printed Identifier H2-137 Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Celebration Title Saltaire: Its Origins and History Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5826 Date Created 1908 Description 'The City of Bradford' (Baptist Times & Freeman) Format printed Identifier H2-138 Subject Religion Yorkshire history Title The City of Bradford Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5827 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1909 Description Advertisement re.'Sir Titus Salt Hospital Re-opening' (Shipley Times & Express) Format printed Identifier H2-139 Subject Health Saltaire village Title Sir Titus Salt Hospital Re-opening Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5828 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1909 Description 'Baronetcy for Mr James Roberts' + 'Sir James Roberts and a Parliamentary Candidate (Shipley Times) Format printed Identifier H2-140 Subject Roberts family Title Roberts Baronetcy Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5829 Date Created 1909 Description 'The Baptist Baronets: Sir J.C.Horsfall & Sir James Roberts (Baptist Times & Freeman 19 November 1909) Format printed Identifier H2-141 Subject Roberts family Religion Title Roberts Baronetcy Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5830 Creator Yorkshire Observer Date Created 1909 Description 'Sir James Roberts and the workers of Saltaire' + 'Presentation of Casket' (Yorkshire Observer) Format printed Identifier H2-142 Subject Salts Mill Celebration Roberts family Title Roberts casket presentation Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5831 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/12585 Date Created 1909 Description Letter on Sir James Roberts and Free Trade pubished in Yorkshire Observer on 27 December 1909. Format printed Identifier H2-143 Subject Textile industry Salts Mill Roberts family Title Roberts and Freetrade Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5832 Date Created 1911 Description Newspaper article entitled 'Famous Yorkshire Rose Show: A Big Success'. Includes a photograph of Sir James and Lady Roberts. Published in Daily Sketch 13th July 1911 Format printed Identifier H2-144 Subject Entertainment Roberts family Title James Roberts at Saltaire Rose Show Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5833 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1912 Description Article from the Shipley Times & Express 19th January 1912 enttled 'Funeral of Bertram Foster Roberts' Format printed Identifier H2-145 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Bertram Roberts' funeral Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5834 Date Created 1913 Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts as Director of Sheffield Indpendent Press (Sheffield Daily Independent) Format printed Identifier H2-146 Subject Roberts family Business Title Roberts Newspaper Director Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5835 Creator Daily Sketch Date Created 1915 Description 'Strathallan Castle: Convalescent Tommies & Nurses' - article in the Daily Sketch 1915. Strahallan Castle was an estate in Scotland purchased by Sir James Roberts. In 1914 Roberts offered the estate for use for the care of World War One soldiers. Format printed Identifier H2-147 Subject Roberts family Warfare and defence Health Title Strathallan Castle and convalescent soldiers Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5836 Date Created 1915 Description 'The Founding of Saltaire' (Yorkshire Observer Budget) Identifier H2-148 Subject Saltaire village Salts Mill Title Origins of Saltaire Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5837 Date Created 1916 Description 'The Case of Sir James Roberts: The Military Service Tribunal'. Article in the Bradford Pioneer, 1916 concerning an attempt to exempt Joseph Henry Roberts, son of Sir James Roberts, from war service. Format printed Identifier H2-149 Subject Roberts family Warfare and defence Title Roberts Military Tribunal Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5838 Creator Bradford Daily Telegraph Date Created 1916 Description 'Sir James Roberts gifts £10,000 to Leeds University for Russian Studies' - an article published in the Bradford Daily Telegraph 1916 Format printed Identifier H2-150 Subject Roberts family Philanthropy Education Title Russian Professoral Chair at University of Leeds Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5839 Creator Yorkshire Observer Date Created 1929 Description Newspaper article entitled 'Bronte Relicts for Yorkshire & Sir James Roberts'. Published in the Yorkshire Observer 7 January 1929. Concerns Sir James Roberts purchase of Haworth Parsonage and his gift of it to the Bronte Society. The parsonage is now a museum. Format printed Identifier H2-151 Subject Philanthropy Yorkshire history Roberts family Title Bronte Relicts Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5840 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/12585 Date Created 1909 Description Newspaper cutting showing the King's Birthday Honours List and featring James Roberts being awarded a Baronetcy. Published in the Yorkshire Observer on 7 Januray 1909 Format printed Identifier H2-152 Subject Celebration Roberts family Family history Title James Roberts awarded a Baronetcy Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5841 Creator Yorkshire Observer Date Created 1933 Description The Diamond Wedding of Sir James and Lady Roberts' as reported in the Yorkshire Observer 13th May 1933 Format printed Identifier H2-153 Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title James Roberts' Diamond Wedding Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5842 Date Created 1936 Description A collection of obituaries of Sir James Roberts. From 'General Press Cutting Association January 1936 Format printed Identifier H2-154 Subject Roberts family Family history Title James Roberts obituaries Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5843 Creator A. Robson, Saltaire Description A photograph of Oxenhope Mill where Sir James Roberts first worked as a boy. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-160b Subject Textile industry Roberts family Title Oxenhope Mill: James Roberts' first employment Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5845 Date Created 1903 Description Saltaire street decorations for Bertram Foster Roberts' wedding Identifier H2-162a Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title Street decorations for wedding Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5846 Date Created 1903 Description Newspaper article on Bertram Foster Roberts & Gertrude Denby's wedding - 1903 Identifier H2-163a-b Subject Roberts family Saltaire village Family history Title The Street Decorations Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5847 Description 2 photographs of 'Brass Castle', Harden. Marked 'Birthplace of Elizabeth Foster'. Elizabeth Foster was the wife of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-164a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Brass Castle, Harden Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5848 Description Enlarged photograph of 'Brass Castle', Harden. Marked 'Mr and Mrs Foster ?' who were the parents of Elizabeth Foster, wife of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-164b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Brass Castle, Harden Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5849 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10997 Date Created 1903 Description Copy of Salts Mill Jubilee Souvenier Brochure - 1903, celebrating 50 years since Salts Mill was opened. The cover features a photograph of Sir Titus Salt and an image of his Croix de la Legion d'Honneur awarded by France for services to the textile industry. Format photocopy Identifier H2-165a Subject Salts Mill Celebration Mementos Title Jubilee Souvenir Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5850 Date Created 20th century, early Description A photograph of Hubert Harry Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-166c Subject Roberts family Family history Title Hubert Harry Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5852 Description A photograph of James William Roberts, son of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-168a-b Subject Roberts family Title James William Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5853 Date Created 19th century, late Description Bertram Foster Roberts (1 as a young man, with photographer ID) (1 enlarged photograph as a young man) Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-169a-b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Bertram Foster Roberts as a young man Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5854 Description Photograph of James William Roberts, son of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-170a Subject Roberts family Title James William Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5855 Creator Albert and Sachs, Bradford Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Alice Roberts, 1881-1982, a daughter of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-171a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Alice Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5856 Date Created 1919 Description Item on the shooting of Miles Sefton by Norman Rutherford, in January 1919. Rutherford was married to Sir James Roberts' daughter Alice and suspected Sefton of being his wife's lover. Identifier H2-172a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Newspaper article on the shooting of Miles Sefton Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5857 Creator Appleton & Co. Description Photograph of Alice Roberts & one of Lily May Roberts, both daughters of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-173a Subject Roberts family Title Alice Roberts and Lily May Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5858 Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-174 Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Title Sir James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5859 Creator Shipley Times and Express Date Created 1909 Description One photograph from a newspaper cutting of Sir James Roberts, one of Lady Roberts. From a 'supplement to the 'Shipley Times and Express' Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-175 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Roberts and Lady Roberts Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5860 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James Roberts' son Bertram and his children Betty, Mary and James Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-176 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Bertram with Betty, Mary, and James Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5861 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/12585 Date Created 1914 Description Article and photograph from the Yorkshire Observer newspaper of Sir James Roberts with grandchildren at the opening of the Saltaire Park Cricket Pavillion, May 1914. Sir James is pictured between Percy Illingworth MP, the Chief Government Whip and MP for Shipley, and Mr R Brook. Sir James Roberts had funded the building of the pavillion. Format printed Identifier H2-177a,c Subject Roberts family Philanthropy Sport Title James Denby Roberts opened New Cricket Pavilion given by Sir James Roberts Type newspaper cutting -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5862 Creator A. Dobson Date Created 19th century, late Description James Henry Roberts at different ages, although identity of the person pictured is not confirmed. James William Roberts was the son of Sir James Roberts Identifier H2-178a,c Subject Roberts family Family history Title Photographs of James Henry Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5863 Date Created 20th century, early Description Sir James Roberts with grandchildren and Mill engine (4 photos) Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-179a-d Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Mill machinery and processes Title Sir James Roberts with grandchildren and mill engine Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5864 Date Created 20th century, early Description Salts Mill engine 'Mary' with engineer Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-180 Subject Salts Mill Mill machinery and processes Title Salts Mill engine 'Mary' Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5866 Date Created 1953 Description Memorial card for Elizabeth Gertrude Roberts, wife of Bertram Foster Roberts Identifier H2-182a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Memorial card for Elizabeh Gertrude Roberts Type card -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5867 Date Created 1912 Description Copy of page from the Baptism Register for baptism of the children of Bertram Foster Roberts - 1912 Format handwritten Identifier H2-183 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Baptism Register for baptism of the children of Bertram Foster Roberts Type document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5868 Date Created 20th century, early Description A group of people outside a house: A boy with a gun; a man with a riding whip; a boy with a dog Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-184a Subject Roberts family Entertainment Title Photograph of a group of people Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5869 Date Created 20th century, mid Description Photograph of Lady Roberts with Susan, a great-granddaughter, born 26th August 1934 Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-185a-b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Lady Roberts and her granddaughter Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5870 Description Photograph of a memorial plaque to John Edward Roberts in Ilkley Church. John Edward was the son of Sir James Roberts. He drowned in Northern Island on a family holiday. Identifier H2-186 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5871 Description Photograph of Sir James and Lady Roberts at the Roberts' Memorial Home, Harrogate. James Roberts had donated money for the home to be created. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-187a Subject Roberts family Philanthropy Welfare Title Roberts' Memorial Home, Harrogate Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5872 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 20th century, early Description Letters from James Roberts and C.E. Shipley regarding public access to Saltaire Park (now known as Roberts Park) Format handwritten Identifier H2-188a-b Subject Saltaire village Sport Open spaces Title Public access to Saltaire Park Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5873 Description A family photograph of the entire Roberts' family, with names Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-189 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Roberts' family group Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5874 Creator Shipley, C.E. Date Created 1919 Description Letters from C.E.Shipley to Harold (Roberts?) in 1919. Letter concerns Shipley Urban District Council taking over the park in Saltaire. Format handwritten Identifier H2-190a-b Subject Roberts family Open spaces Title Letters from C.E. Shipley to Harold Roberts Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5875 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1918 Description A letter from Sir James Roberts to Fred Atkinson of the Saltaire Cricket Club Format handwritten Identifier H2-191a-c Subject Roberts family Saltaire village Sport Title James Roberts letter on Saltaire Cricket Club Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5876 Description Printed document on the life of Sir James Roberts (2 documents) Format typewritten Identifier H2-192a-c Subject Roberts family Family history Title The life of Sir James Roberts Type document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5877 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Sir James Denby Roberts, 2nd Baronet Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-193 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James Denby Roberts, 2nd Baronet Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5878 Date Created 1925 Description Two copies of a photograph of Roberts family group at the 21st birthday party of James Denby Roberts. 1 typed sheet with I.Ds Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-194a-c Subject Roberts family Title Roberts family group at the 21st birthday party of James Denby Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5879 Creator Yorkshire Observer Date Created 1909 Description Baronetcy casket & scroll, presented 24th December 1909, with text of The Yorkshire Observer report Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-195a-c Subject Roberts family Salts Mill Celebration Title Roberts presentation casket Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5880 Date Created 1923 Description Painting of Sir James & Lady Roberts at 'Fairlight' 1923 Format oil painting Identifier H2-196a-b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Sir James & Lady Roberts Type artwork -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5881 Date Created 1933 Description Printed card for the Diamond Wedding of Sir James and Lady Roberts - 1933 Format printed Identifier H2-197 Subject Roberts family Family history Celebration Title The Diamond Wedding of Sir James and Lady Roberts Type card -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5882 Date Created 1936 Description Copies of a printed card for the Memorial Service for Sir James Roberts - 1936 Format printed Identifier H2-198a-b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Memorial Service for Sir James Roberts Type card -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5890 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6638 Description John Baker lived at 5 Albert Road, Saltaire and in 1920 moved to Morecambe. He had been a Clerk of Works at the mill and then became Sir James Roberts representative in Saltaire when the mill was sold. These letters to Sir James Roberts date from 1918 to 1922 when the pensions were wound up. He collected rent for Sir James Roberts, gave out pensions and generally looked out for his interests. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208 Subject Textile industry Real Estate Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type collection -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5891 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, from John Baker dated 11.02.1918 about measurements of wood. Identifier H2-208.1 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5892 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description List of the pensions paid out during the months of May and June. Identifier H2-208.10 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Mill staff Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5893 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description List of wages of the park gardener and insurance stamps for May and June. On the reverse side a list of the unpaid garden rents. Identifier H2-208.11 Subject Salts Mill Open spaces Working life Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5894 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter addressed to Sir James Roberts Bart, informing him Gordan has died from gas poisoning during the First World War. The letter refers to Gordan, however it is unclear who Gordan was in relation to Sir James and John Baker. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.12 Subject Salts Mill Roberts family Mill staff Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5895 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts from John Barker, informing Sir James of a meeting with a Mr Aykroyd. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.13 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Mill staff Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5896 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Receipt on small piece of paper, regarding work carried out at Milner Field by Mr Smith. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.14 Subject Roberts family Salt family homes Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5897 Creator Edmondson, H. Date Created 1918 Description Receipt from H.Edmondson for stationery Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.15 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - receipt Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5898 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts Bart, informing him a monthly statement of pensions, wages and rents would be included inside the envelope. Written by John Baker. The letter format is the monthly statement, business matters and finshing with a personal note. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.16 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Working life Title Baker Letters - monthly statement of pensions, wages and rents July 1918 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5899 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1918 Description Letter from Sir James to Mr Bart, wanting Mr Bart to check the pensions list for Gaunt. Format typewritten Identifier H2-208.17 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter from James Roberts concerning pensions Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5900 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James, from Mr Baker. Informing Sir James of the rents and payments that were due. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.18 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Bakers Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5901 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James, written by John Baker, informing him of payments and rents that have been paid. Identifier H2-208.19 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning paid rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5902 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description John Baker's record of gardeners who had recieved their salary dated from 08.02.1918 to 31.05.1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.2 Subject Salts Mill Working life Open spaces Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5903 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts thanking him to returning a letter to Mr Hills. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.20 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning Mr Hills Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5904 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts informing him a monthly statement for september is enclosed. The letter format is the monthly statement, business matters and finshing with a personal note. The letter format is the monthly statement, business matters and finshing with a personal note. Identifier H2-208.21 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts on monthly paymens for September 1918 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5905 Creator Lummis, A.G. Date Created 1918 Description Receipt from A.G Lummis, a printers who resided at Dale Street - Shipley. Yellow reciept handwritten in black pen Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.22 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - receipt for printing Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5906 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, informing him measurements of land from the bridge to the higher hirst. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.23 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts on land measurements Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5907 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Statement of receipt payments during September 1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.24 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts on received payments September 21918 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5908 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts from John Baker, informing him of the possible selling of Higher Hirst Mill. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.25 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concenring sale of Higher Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5909 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James from John Baker, informing him how the meeting went with the prospective Higher Hirst Mill buyers. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.26 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Baker Letters - letter to James Robets concerning salte of Higher Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5910 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, written by John Baker, informing Sir James that Mr Drake, a landowner is intrested in buying more land. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.27 Subject Roberts family Real Estate Title Baker Letters - letter concerning possible land sale Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5911 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, written by John Baker, informing him of an issue regarding pay with one of the gardeners. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.28 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts regarding pay Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5912 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, written by John Baker, informing him the months statements will be enclosed and about reparations that are going to be taking place. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.29 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning statements and reparations Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5913 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description John Bakers record of people who had recieved their pension dated between 15.02.1918 to 31.05.1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.3 Subject Textile industry Working life Salts Mill Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5914 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Statement of receipts for the month of October 1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.30 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning statement for October 2018 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5915 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, written by John Baker, informing him two people who receive pensions have died. Mr Baker also asked if it was possible for the widow of James Ruddock to continue to recieve a small pensions. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.31 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Mill staff Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning pensions Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5916 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Handwritten receipt of three completed tasks done by a worker. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.32 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning completed tasks Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5917 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Statement of receipts for month of November 1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.33 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning statement for November 2018 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5918 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts, written by John Baker, telling him last months statements are included in the envelope and of the other reparation costs they need to pay. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.34 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning statements and reparations Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5919 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Mr Baker, about an enclosed a cheque for £50. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.35 Subject Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning cheque Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5920 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Mr Baker, about an enclosed a cheque for £50. Format typewritten Identifier H2-208.36 Subject Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning a cheque Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5921 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Receipt of work done on the 9.10.1918. Settled by Enoch Starkey on the 10.12.1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.37 Subject Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning receipt of work done Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5922 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter written to Sir James Roberts by John Baker, regarding plans of cottages, water pipes and drains. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.38 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter to James Roberts concerning plans Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5923 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1918 Description Letter written to Mr Baker asking him to make a detailed plan of Shipley and Baildon land. Format typewritten Identifier H2-208.39 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - letter from James Roberts concerning plans of land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5924 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter addressed to Sir James Robert Bart, from John Baker dated 22.03.1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.4 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5925 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter to Sir James Roberts from John Baker, informing him that he will carry out his wishes to make new plans of buildings, however it may take some time. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.40 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - letter from John Baker concerning making plans for new buildings Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5926 Creator Christopher HIrd and Co. https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Receipt for Sir James Roberts from Dr. to Christopher Hird and Co, a plastering company based in Keighley. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.41 Subject Textile industry Title Baker Letters - receipt for plastering Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5927 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Description Document of the allotment garden rents recieved Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.42 Subject Open spaces Textile industry Title Baker Letters - letter from James Roberts concerning allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5928 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Description Acreage of land from River Bridge at Saltaire to Hirst Mills and from centre of River to centre of Hirst Lane. . Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.43 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Baker Letters - letter from James Roberts concerning acreage of land near Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5929 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter addressed to Sir James Robert Bart from John Baker, informing him of the wages, rents and pensions paid. Dated 29.03.1918 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.5 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Working life Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5930 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter addressed to Sir James Robert Bart from John Baker, informing Sir Robert of money which had been paid dated 08.04.1918. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.6 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Real Estate Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5931 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter addressed to Sir James Robert Bart from John Baker, informing Sir Robert about a gate which is being built over the bridge. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.7 Subject Salts Mill Real Estate Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5932 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description A letter addressed to Sir James Roberts Bart, informing him that an expenditure statement up to the end of April 1918 would be enclosed in the envelope. Identifier H2-208.8 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Real Estate Title Expenditure statement up to the end of April 1918 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5933 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1918 Description Letter addressed to Sir James Roberts from John Baker informing him that enclosed with the letter is a full statement of expenditure from the 08.02.1918 to 31.05.1918. Identifier H2-208.9 Subject Salts Mill Textile industry Mill staff Title Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originals Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5934 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Description Copy of a diary written by James Roberts on a visit to Australia in 1884 Format handwritten Identifier H2-209.1 Subject Roberts family Holidays Title James Roberts Diary 1884 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5935 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1884 Description A4 copy of a diary written by James Roberts on a visit to Australia in 1884 Format handwritten Identifier H2-209.2 Subject Roberts family Holidays Title James Roberts Diary 1884 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5936 Date Created 20th century, early Description A newspaper cutting book compiled by (or on behalf of) James Roberts. The cuttings cover business, social and political issues related to James Roberts. The period covered is from 1905 to 1918. Format printed Identifier H2-210 Subject Textile industry Politics Entertainment Title James Roberts Newspaper cuttings book Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5937 Date Created 20th century, early Description Front cover of a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Format printed Identifier H2-210.1 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Front cover of James Roberts newspaper cuttings book 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6585 Creator Appleton & Co. Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts and James William Roberts, sons of Sir James Roberts, as young boys. The photograph was taken at Appleton & Co., Bradford Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-167a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Bertram and James William Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6586 Date Created 19th century, late Description Two photographs of Bertram Roberts & James William Roberts (1 as young boys-a-c) ( 1 as young men-d-e): Also copies of the reverse Format photocopy Identifier H2-167c Subject Roberts family Family history Title Bertram and James William Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6612 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-041.1 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Mr. Bertram F. Roberts - circa 1903 Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6613 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-041.2 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Mr. Bertram F. Roberts - circa 1903 Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6614 Date Created 1903 Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-041.3 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Mr. Bertram F. Roberts - circa 1903 Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6617 Date Created 19th century, late Description Part of collection of two photographs of Bertram Roberts & James William Roberts (1 as young boys-a-c) ( 1 as young men-d-e) (See H2-167a-e) Format photocopy Identifier H2-167b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Reverse of Bertram and James William Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6618 Date Created 19th century, late Description Part of a collection of two photographs of Bertram Roberts & James William Roberts (1 as young boys-a-c) ( 1 as young men-d-e): (See H2-167a-e) Format photocopy Identifier H2-167e Subject Roberts family Family history Title Reverse of Willy and Bertie Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6629 Description Photograph of Upper Marsh Farm, Haworth. Sir James Roberts' father was a farmer here. Format photograph (colour) Identifier H2-161a Subject Roberts family Family history Agriculture Title Upper Marsh Farm Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6630 Description 2 photographs of Upper Marsh Farm, Haworth. Sir James Roberts' father was a farmer here. Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-161b Subject Roberts family Family history Agriculture Title Upper Marsh Farm Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6631 Date Created 19th century, late Description Photograph of Bertram Roberts and James William Roberts as young men, taken at Walter Davey, Harrogate Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-167d Subject Roberts family Family history Title Willy and Bertie Roberts Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6878 Date Created 1906 Description May 26 1906 'The Life of a Factory Girl' (2). May 31 1906 Hospital Scheme abandoned. June 1 1906 Hospital Scheme abandoned. June 1 1906 Sir Titus Salt Charity Report (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.10 Subject Health Mill staff Philanthropy Title Pages 15-16 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6889 Date Created 1906 Description June 1 1906 Sir Titus Salt Charity Report (2). June 1 1906 High School extension scheme (1). June 1 1906 Mr Roberts on the Hospital Question (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.11 Subject Health Education Title Pages 17-18 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6898 Date Created 20th century, early Description A small printed paper booklet, 16 pages. It is contained in the back of a book of newspaper cuttings compiled for James Roberts. Format printed Identifier H2-210.118 Subject Entertainment Title Home Notes Literary Supplement Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6899 Date Created 1906 Description June 1 1906 High School extension scheme (2). Mr Roberts on the Hospital Question (2). June 1 1906 High School extension scheme (3). Mr Roberts on the Hospital Question (3) Format printed Identifier H2-210.12 Subject Health Education Title Pages 19-20 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6900 Date Created 1906 Description Aug 28 1906 Counterfeit coins. Aug 28-30 1906 Thomas Hadfield's death. Aug 31 1906 Shipley UDC (1). re. building the new Baths and Fire Station Format printed Identifier H2-210.13 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 21-22 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6901 Date Created 1906 Description Aug 31 1906 Shipley UDC (2). re. The Manor House Well. Aug 31 1906 Shipley UDC (3). re. The Medical Officers' Report Format printed Identifier H2-210.14 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 23-24 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6902 Date Created 1906 Description Sept 6 1906 Garden Party at Milner Field. Sept 7 1906 Mr and Mrs Roberts at a Bradford Dinner. Sept 7 1906 Garden Party at Milner Field (1). Sept 7 1906 Milner Field (2). Sept 7 1906 Two hundred old folk at Milner Field (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.15 Subject Royal visit Entertainment Politics Title Pages 25-26 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6903 Date Created 1906 Description Sept 7 1906 Two hundred old folk at Milner Field (2). Sept 7 1906 Loose cutting on Councillors Midgley and Moody (1). re.The building of the Shipley Baths and Fire Station Format printed Identifier H2-210.16 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 27-28 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6904 Date Created 1906 Description Sept 7 1906 Loose cutting on Councillors Midgley and Moody (2). re.Shipley Baths and Fire Station. Sept 14 1906 Rosse Street Baptist Garden Party at The Knoll. Sept 21 1906 James Roberts claim to vote in Bradford election (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.17 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 29-30 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6905 Date Created 1906 Description Sept 21 1906 Bradford vote continued (2). Sept 26-28 1906 adverts. Sept 25-27 1906 adverts. Sept 26 1906 James Roberts claim to vote in Bradford election. Nov 2 1906 Floral Exhibition at Windhill (1). Nov 2 1906 Shipley Lady's Charitable Bequest (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.18 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 31-32 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6906 Date Created 1906 Description Nov 2 1906 Floral Exhibition at Windhill (2). Nov 2 1906 Shipley Lady's Charitable Bequest (2). Oct 5 1906 Fiftieth Anniversery of Salts Mill. Oct 10-12 1906 adverts. Oct 13 1906 adverts. Oct 31 - Nov 1 1906 adverts Format printed Identifier H2-210.19 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 33-34 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6907 Date Created 1905 Description Title page 'Century' Format printed Identifier H2-210.2 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Page 1 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6908 Date Created 1906 Description Oct 19 1906 Rosse Street Brotherhood. Oct 19 1906 Shipley School of Art Exhibition. Nov 9 1906 Councillor Roberts at the Shipley Ambulance Centre. Nov 9 1906 Theft from Salts Mill (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.20 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 35-36 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6909 Date Created 1906 Description Nov 9 1906 Theft from Salts Mill (2). Nov 22-24 1906 adverts. Dec 5-6 1906 adverts. Dec 7-10 1906 adverts. Dec 17-22 1906 adverts. Dec 20 1906 Machinery depreciation (1). Dec 20 1906 Machinery depreciation continued (2). Jan 4 1907 Councillor Roberts sails for South Africa. Jan 23 1907 Joke on Salts 'Bar(h)t' sons. Jan 23-26 1907 advert for mill extenstion contracts. Jan 23-26 1907 advert for mill extenstion contracts Format printed Identifier H2-210.21 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 37-38 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6910 Date Created 1907 Description Feb 14 1907 'Accidents Act 1906'. Feb 25-27 1907 adverts. Mar 14-16 1907 adverts. Mar 21-23 1907 adverts. Feb 23 1907 WRC Council nominations (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.22 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 39-40 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6911 Date Created 1907 Description Feb 23 1907 WRC Council nominations (2). April 16 1907 James Roberts in South Africa (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.23 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 41-42 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6912 Date Created 1907 Description April 16 1907 South Africa continued from April 16th (2). May 10-11 1907 adverts. June 28 1907 Roberts donation to Bradford Infirmary. Aug 7-10 1907 adverts. Aug 16 1907 Accident at Salts Mill. Sept 12 -07 Bradford's Incorporation of Shipley debate. Sept 12-18 -07 adverts. Sept 13 1907 Roberts at Shipley Golf Club Format printed Identifier H2-210.24 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 43-44 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6913 Date Created 1908 Description Nov 7-9 1907 adverts. Dec 13 1907 Theft from Saltaire Mills. Jan 2-4 -1908 adverts. April 3-6 -08 adverts. March 21-24 1908 adverts. Oct 21 1908 Fatal accident at Saltaire Mill. Oct 21 1908 The affairs of a Yarn Merchant (B.H. Gosling). Nov 18 1908 Roberts on W.H. Mitchell and Tariff Reform (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.25 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 45-46 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6914 Date Created 1908 Description Nov 18 1908 Roberts on W.H. Mitchell and Tariff Reform (2). Nov 19 1908 Mr Roberts and Free Trade Format printed Identifier H2-210.26 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 47-48 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6915 Date Created 1908 Description Nov 19 1908 Mr Roberts and Free Trade (1). Nov 20 1908 Mr Roberts and Free Trade (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.27 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 49-50 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6916 Date Created 1908 Description Nov 26 1908 Hill Roberts and Whitehead takeover newspapers. Nov 24-26 1908 adverts. Dec 29 1908 American Tariffs. Dec 29 1908 Roberts on Proctection (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.28 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 51-52 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6917 Date Created 1909 Description Dec 29 1908 Roberts on Proctection (2). Feb 25-27 1909 adverts. May 17 1909 Roberts' letter on The Fiscal Question - tariff reform Format printed Identifier H2-210.29 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 53-54 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6918 Date Created 1905 Description May 26 1905 Saltaire Mills. June 2 1905 Saltaire Hospital extension. June 2 1905 Saltaire Hospital Charity Commisioners (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.3 Subject Health Entertainment Politics Title Page 2 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6919 Date Created 1909 Description May 22 1909 Yorkshire Liberal Federation Conference (1). May 22 1909 Yorkshire Liberal Federation Conference (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.30 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 55-56 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6920 Date Created 1909 Description May 22 1909 Yorkshire Liberal Federation Conference (3). May 22 1909 Yorkshire Liberal Federation Conference (4) Format printed Identifier H2-210.31 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 57-58 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6921 Date Created 1909 Description Nov 9 1909 - Roberts' Baronetcy (1). Nov 9 1909 - Roberts' Baronetcy (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.32 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 59-60 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6922 Date Created 1910 Description Feb 14-16 1910 adverts. Feb 25-26 -10 adverts. Aug 6 -10 Sir James Roberts and Srathallan Castle. 1910 New Motor Licences. Aug 12-15 1910 Typed notice for sale of a greenhouse by Salts Mill. Sept 1-3 - 1910 Typed notice for sale of a greenhouse by Salts Mill. Oct 1-4 1910 adverts. Oct 1910 adverts. Nov 12-15 1910 adverts Format printed Identifier H2-210.33 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 61-62 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6923 Date Created 1911 Description Dec 5-10 1910 adverts. Dec 19-24 -10 adverts. Dec 31 -10 advert. April 24-26 1910 advert. June 23 1911 J.R.'s letter on the Woolcombers Strike (part). June 23 1911 J.R.'s letter on the Woolcombers Strike (whole) Format printed Identifier H2-210.34 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 63-64 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6924 Date Created 1911 Description June 26 1911 Letter from Sir James on the Woolcombers Strike. Sept 23 1911 Sir James looses his Shipley vote. Sept 29 1911 Sir James looses his Shipley vote. Due to him no longer occupying the stable block. in Victoria road Format printed Identifier H2-210.35 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 65-66 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6925 Date Created 1911 Description Oct 17-19 1911 advert. Oct 21 1911 Sir James and the National Insurance Bill (1). Oct 21 1911 Sir James and the National Insurance Bill (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.36 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 67-68 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6926 Date Created 1911 Description Sept 27 1911 Sir James looses his Shipley vote (1). Sept 27 1911 Sir James looses his Shipley vote (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.37 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 69-70 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6927 Date Created 1910 Description Oct 28 1911 Fish Poisoning in the Aire and Wharfe. Nov 2 1910 advert. Nov 1 1911 The Bishop of Ripon and Salts Mill (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.38 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 71-72 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6928 Date Created 1911 Description Nov 1 1911 The Bishop of Ripon and Salts Mill (2). Nov 29 1911 Shipley and its water supply (1). Nov 30 -11 Bradford and Shipley and its water supply. Dec 11 1911 advert for Hirst Mill Format printed Identifier H2-210.39 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Real Estate Title Pages 73-74 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6929 Date Created 1905 Description June 2 1905 Saltaire Hospital Charity Commissioners (2). June 16-17 1905 adverts. July 22-28 1905 adverts. July 28 1905 Anthrax. July 31 1905 Saltaire Embezzlement. Aug 4 1905 George Morrell retirement. Aug 4 1905 Mill man's embezzlement Format printed Identifier H2-210.4 Subject Health Education Title Pages 3-4 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6930 Date Created 1912 Description Nov 29 1911 Shipley and its water supply (2). Jan 12 1912 Death of B.F. Roberts (1). Jan 12 1912 Wool Trade under Protection Format printed Identifier H2-210.40 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 75-76 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6931 Date Created 1912 Description Jan 12 1912 Death of B.F. Roberts (2). Jan 12 1912 Photograph of Bertram Roberts Format printed Identifier H2-210.41 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Pages 77-78 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6932 Date Created 1912 Description Jan 17 1912 Funeral of B.F. Roberts (1). Feb 14 -1911 advert. March 18 -12 Probate for B.F. Roberts. Jan 17 1912 Funeral of B.F. Roberts (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.42 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 79-80 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6935 Date Created 1912 Description Oct 4 1912 Salts Mill Prosecution under Facory Act (1). Oct 17 1912 Bradford Women and the National Insurance Act. Oct 4 1912 Salts Mill Prosecution under Facory Act (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.44 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 83-84 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6936 Date Created 1913 Description Oct 4 1912 Salts Mill Prosecution under Factory Act (3). Feb 7 1913 Insurance of women operatives. March 5-8 - 13 advert. April 4-9 1913 advert. Aug 30 -13 advert. Sept 6 - 13 advert. Oct 6 1913 Bradford Extension scheme Format printed Identifier H2-210.45 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 85-86 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6937 Date Created 1914 Description Dec 1-2 1913 3 adverts. Dec 27-29 - 13 advert. Jan 2-5 1914 advert. Feb 19-21 1914 advert. May 4 1914 Opening of the Saltaire Cricket Pavillion Format printed Identifier H2-210.46 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 87-88 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6938 Date Created 1914 Description May 4 1914 Opening of the Saltaire Cricket Pavillion with. photograph of Roberts and Illingworth. May 8 1914 Opening Saltaire Cricket Pavillion (1). full spread-with photo Format printed Identifier H2-210.47 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 89-90 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6939 Date Created 1914 Description May 8 1914 Opening Saltaire Cricket Pavillion (2). full spread-with photo. June 10 1914 Sir James Roberts' Scottish tenantry. Aug 5 1914 Half-time working at the mill. Sept 1 1914 advert. Aug 13 1914 Bradford Merchants and the Moratorium Format printed Identifier H2-210.48 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 91-92 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6940 Date Created 1914 Description Aug 2 1914 A Partial Moratorium Proclaimed. Aug 8 1914 The Moratorium exceptions Format printed Identifier H2-210.49 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 93-94 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6941 Date Created 1906 Description Aug 25-26 1905 adverts. Aug 24-26 1905 adverts. Sept 4-6 1905 adverts. Sept 8 1905 Salts Mill's rating appeal. Sept 11 1905 SJR on South African Ethnic Labour. May 4 1906 Proposed new Hospital at Saltaire (1).... Format printed Identifier H2-210.5 Subject Textile industry Health Title Pages 5-6 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6942 Date Created 1914 Description Sept 2 1914 The Moratorium extended. Nov 4 1914 The Moratorium. Sept 14 1914 The Moratorium. Sept 25 1914 The Moratorium Format printed Identifier H2-210.50 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 95-96 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6943 Date Created 1914 Description Nov 4 1914 Government Stocks (1). Nov 4 1914 Government Stocks (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.51 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 97-98 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6944 Date Created 1914 Description Nov 4 1914 Foreign Debts (1). Nov 4 1914 Foreign Debts (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.52 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 99-100 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6945 Date Created 1914 Description Nov 8 1914 Income Tax increases (1). Nov 8 1914 Income Tax increases (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.53 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 101-102 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6946 Date Created 1914 Description Nov 8 1914 Income Tax increases (3). Nov 18 1914 The new Income Tax. Dec 9 1914 The Strathallan Estate Rents. Jan 23-26 1914 adverts Format printed Identifier H2-210.54 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 103-104 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6947 Date Created 1915 Description Feb 1 1915 Vehicle advert. Feb 1 1915 British Dyeware scheme. May 22 1915 New rules for exporters. May 22-25 1915 Advert. June 17 - 15 advert. April 29 1915 advert. June 21 1915 Death from Anthrax (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.55 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 105-106 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6948 Date Created 1915 Description June 21 1915 Death from Anthrax (2). Oct 12-14 1915 advert. Oct 18-23 - 15 advert. Nov 27 1915 advert. Dec 7 1915 Victoria Hall cinema Format printed Identifier H2-210.56 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 107-108 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6949 Date Created 1916 Description Dec 13 1915 Local Tribunals (1). Dec 13 1916 Local Tribunals (2) Format printed Identifier H2-210.57 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 109-110 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6950 Date Created 1918 Description Dec 13 1917 Local Tribunals (3). Dec 13 1918 Local Tribunals (4). Dec 20 -1915 The Derby Scheme (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.58 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 111-112 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6951 Date Created 1915 Description Dec 20 1915 The Derby Scheme (2). The Proclamtion for the Army Reserve. Dec 23 1915 advert. Jan 15-18 1916 advert. Loose cutting 'England under Protection'. Dec 14 1899 Loose page on Robert Browning ** Loose cutting 'England under Protection' Format printed Identifier H2-210.59 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 113-114 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6952 Date Created 1906 Description May 4 1906 Proposed new Hospital at Saltaire (2). May 4 1906 Shipley UDC business * Format printed Identifier H2-210.6 Subject Health Politics Title Pages 7-8 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6953 Date Created 1915 Description Aug 26 1899 'Home Notes Literary Supplement' *. Front page only. Dec 31 1915 Trade with Russia. Jan 3 1916 Trade with Russia. Pasted on back cover Format printed Identifier H2-210.60 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 115-116 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6954 Date Created 20th century, early Description Back cover of a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Format printed Identifier H2-210.61 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Back cover of James Roberts newspaper cuttings book 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6963 Date Created 1906 Description May 11 1906 Dr. Ellis on Council election. May 11 1906 Mr Roberts offer for a new hospital. May 11 1906 Mr and Mrs Roberts on holiday. May 17 1906 Strike at Salts Mill. May 18 1906 Strike at Salts Mill. May 18 1906 Mr Roberts offer to Shipley (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.7 Subject Salts Mill Health Holidays Title Pages 9-10 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6974 Date Created 1906 Description May 18 1906 Mr Roberts' offer to Shipley (2). May 18 1906 Letter re. Roberts offer to Shipley. May 25 1906 Salts Mill Officials at Arnside Format printed Identifier H2-210.8 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 11-12 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6985 Date Created 1906 Description May 25 1906 Salts Charity Statement. May 26 1906 'The Life of a Factory Girl' (1) Format printed Identifier H2-210.9 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 13-14 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7560 Date Created 1881 Description Plan of Salts Mill and Saltaire village. Includes list of original 1850s' land owners, and on reverse, a reference. to 1901 Identifier H2-120a Subject Saltaire village Salts Mill Real Estate Title Plan of Salts Mill and village Type plan -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7561 Date Created 1881 Description Plan of Salts Mill and Saltaire village. Includes list of original 1850s' land owners, and on reverse, a reference. to 1901 Identifier H2-120b Subject Saltaire village Salts Mill Real Estate Title Plan of Salts Mill and village Type plan -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7562 Date Created 20th century, early Description Photograph of Clara Denby at a wedding. Clara Denby was the wife of Ellis Denby and the mother-in-law of Bertram Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-181a Subject Roberts family Family history Title Clara Denby at a wedding Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7563 Date Created 20th century, mid Description Photograph of Clara Denby as a middle-aged woman. Clara Denby was the wife of Ellis Denby and the mother-in-law of Bertram Roberts Format photograph (black and white) Identifier H2-181b Subject Roberts family Family history Title Clara Denby as a middle-aged woman Type photographic image -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7564 Date Created 1912 Description May 22-25 1912 advert. May 24-27- 12 advert. June 11 1912 Copies of the Insurance Stamps. Aug 3-6 1912 advert. Aug 21 1912 Anthrax at Saltaire Mill. Oct 4 1912 Salts Mill Prosecution under Factory Act. Nov 20-22 1912 advert. Jan 14-16 1913 advert. Jan 29 -Feb 4 - 13 advert. Feb 21 - 13 Theft from Salts Mill Format printed Identifier H2-210.43 Subject Textile industry Entertainment Politics Title Pages 81-82 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918 Type booklet -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7565 Creator Samuel Robinson and Sons Date Created 1919 Description Set of architectural plans for the rebuilding of Hirst Mills after a fire. Drawn up by the Bradford architects Samuel Robinson and Sons for Glyn, Thomas and Company Limited who rented the mill at the time. There are five separate drawings. One is a plan for the main building. Four are elevations from different perspectives. Format drawing Identifier H2-211 Subject Real Estate Title Architectural plans for the rebuilding of Hirst Mills Type plan -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13139 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Robinson buying Milner Field Estate & Baildon property - John to produce a plan Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.100 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of Milner Field Estate and Baildon property Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13140 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Plan of Estate Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.101 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plan of Estate Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13141 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Plan & offer - Mr Robinson is only acting for unknown client Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.102 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plan and offer Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13142 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Scott from Trench Farm stated water was out of order Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.103 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: water was out of order Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13143 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Plan sent to Mr Robinson; Offer £60,000 for estate but was too cheap Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.104 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plan sent to Mr Robinson Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13144 Date Created 1919 Description Receipt from Mr Baker for water repairs Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.105 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - receipt for water repairs Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13145 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Confidential - Mr Robinson & Mr Foster (solicitor) offered for Milner House; Sold to Mr Foster including land between Primrose Land & Baildon Bridge for £72,500 plus furniture; land south of river is still for sale Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.106 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of Milner House and land; land south of river is still for sale Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13146 Creator Ferrand, Vincent Date Created 1919 Description Receipt from Vincent Ferrand for petrol Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.107 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - receipt for petrol Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13147 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Robinson & Mr Anderson re Hirst Lane fields Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.108 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Hirst Lane fields Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13148 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Robinson seems unreliable as he made out, he was acting for Mr Foster and clearly not; a man was looking at cricket field and its potential; Removal vans were at Milner Field; Mr Feather, butcher, wants to purchase his stable & fields; Man in boat house wants to purchase the boat house Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.109 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: reliability of Mr Robinson; sale of cricket field; sale of stable, fields and boat house Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13149 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Flagstaff at Milner Field; Mrs Green knows what to send to London & Scotland; Remaining land to be auctioned Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.110 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: flagstaff at Milner Field; remaining land to be auctioned Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13150 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Flagstaff; Mr Robinson still involved in maps of estate; Clarence Park estate Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.111 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Robinson still involved; Clarence Park estate Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13151 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for July 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.112 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts July 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13152 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for July 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.113 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts July 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13153 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for July 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.114 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts July 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13154 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Plans for Mr Robinson; Visited Mr Foster to show plans for Clarence Park; Letter mentions Johnâ??s son, Harold working in Surveyors office; Mr Foster keeping Mr Garland & Mr Lavelle on at Milner Field; Robinson & leaking pipe Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.115 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plans for Mr Robinson; Clarence Park estate; Milner Field Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13155 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Enclosed £100 cheque for bank; Reminder for John to take salary; payment for Waites & Judson, labourers Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.116 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: cheque for bank; reminder about salary; payment for labourers Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13156 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Clock at Milner Field; Waites & Judson worked Saturday / Sunday; Labourers usually get £3 8s a week; Spent time with Mr Foster & Mr Robinson - Clarence Park & Hirst Wood House/Mill Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.117 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: clock at Milner Field; cost of labouring; Clarence Park and Hirst Wood House/Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13157 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description On same letter as above - £10 for sand is OK; Hirst Mill offered to Glynn Thomas in past, so ask again if he wants to purchase Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.118 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: payment for sand; sale of Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13158 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Letter stating sand belongs to Sir James Roberts and not Mr Wood who charged for it Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.119 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - dispute over sand ownership Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13159 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Anderton re field in Hirst Lane; Clarence Park for sale to Mr Foster; Robert Foster billed for sand; Mr Badland rents greenhouses in park Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.120 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: field in Hirst Lane; Clarence Park for sale; bill for sand; greenhouses in park Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13160 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for August 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.121 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts August 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13161 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for August 1919. Notes attached - Sarah Harriet Metcalf of 28 Cowling Road died in Clayton workhouse; receipt for H Smith of 62 George Street for work at Milner Field dated 7.8.19 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.122 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts August 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13162 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Sand payment Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.123 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Sand payment Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13163 Date Created 1919 Description Plans for Mr Normington; Donation of Northcliffe Woods by Norman Rae [name not mentioned]; Refusal of council to take over Park rent free Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.124 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - updates on plans, Northcliffe Woods and Saltaire Parktake over Park rent free Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13164 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Robert Foster & sand; Mr Thomas & Hirst House rent; Insurance money for mill; Mr Kershaw & weed killer Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.125 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Robert Foster and sand; Hirst House rent; Insurance money for mill; weed killer Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13165 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Sir Titus Saltâ??s intention to dedicate Park to public & councilâ??s refusal to take over park rent free Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.126 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: status of Saltaire Park and offer to Bradford council Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13166 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Plans of land to Midland Railway; Articles in Yorkshire Post; Mr Thomas asking price for Hirst Mills Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.127 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans of land to Midland Railway; articles in Yorkshire Post; sale of Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13167 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Clay representative of Midland Railway coming to Saltaire; wants Midland Railway to erect fence Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.128 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: visit from Midland Railway Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13168 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Met Midland engineer; Mr Normington erected workshop; Glynn Thomas occupies Higher Hirst Mill & cottages & may buy mill; Mr Feather, butcher, wants to buy stables & fields; man who bought Clarkeâ??s greengrocer also wants land between river & canal Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.129 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Met Midland engineer; workshop; Hirst Mill and cottages; sale of stables and fields; sale of land between river and canal Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13169 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Midland Railway Co. & siding Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.130 Subject Real Estate Transport and communication Title Baker Letters - regarding: Midland Railway Co. and siding Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13170 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Allotments; Mr Normington; Glynn Thomas no action to be taken; Mr Feather can have stables & fields; Mr Clarke can have land if price is right; Fence surrounding church Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.131 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotments; Mr Normington; Glynn Thomas; stables and fields; fence surrounding church Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13171 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Park gardener & Milner Field Gardener paid; Mr Garland & weed killer; Mr John Monaghan of 25 Whitham Street is 82 and wants a pension to help him even though Sir James only pays pensions until age 70 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.132 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: payment of gardners; weed killer; pension query Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13172 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for September 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.133 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts September 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13173 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description No pensioners replied to Observer. Reflected on money given, alterations and improvements to mill made and paid for by Sir James. Mr Feather & Mr Berry would let him know re the purchase of fields. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.134 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: pensioners replies. improvements to mill; sale of fields. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13174 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description No offer as yet from Mr Feather or Mr Berry. Mt Sutton would like the boathouse and land. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.135 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of fields; sale of boat house and land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13175 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for October 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.136 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts October 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13176 Creator Lee, Joseph Date Created 1919 Description Invoice from Joseph Lee contractor for £3 18s 9d Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.137 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - invoice for work Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13177 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Burst pipe at Green Lane Lodge. Plumbers / builders were taking down the hospital at Morten Bank and re-erecting one on the quarry grounds besides Saltaire Hospital - hostel for 100 women. So too busy to fix leak. Alterations to mill described. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.138 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: leak at Green Lane Lodge Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13178 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Apologies for paying a plumber. Mr Normington has built his workshop. Mr Thomas & Co were to do not more alterations before winter. Mr Stephenson, a farmer, asked to have his door thresholds repaired. The park is in a wretched state. Greenhouses leased to Mr Badland. The sale of park and greenhouses to be done separately. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.139 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: paying a plumber. buiklding and repairs; state of Saltaire Park and its sale Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13179 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Thomas asked the price of the two mills and land. Mr Sutton asked about the boathouse and land. Mr Badland stated people felt the new firm should take the park as it was used by their tenants and workers. The firm bought 50 houses in Saltaire from Mt Thornton for £6250. Mr Willy send noticed to allotments near Masonâ??s Mill. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.140 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of the two mills and land, and boat house and land; new mill owners purchase houses Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13180 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Thomas had finished grinding room. Mr Knowles wants land belonging to Midland Railway. The park is in a bad state. Mr Badland thinks it would take 3 or 4 men 3 years to get it back to pre-war state. Mr & Mrs Moorby mentioned. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.141 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: grinding room; Midland Railway land; Saltaire Park in a bad state Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13181 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for November 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.142 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts November 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13182 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Bill for gap in wall on Albert Road near Lloyds Bank mending. Mr Feather given up idea of owning fields. Bill taken to Mr Robinson for pipe repair. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.143 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: repairs on Albert Road; sale of fields; pipe repair Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13183 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Apologies bill for wall repair displeased Sir James but building trade have high wages and it was a danger to the public. Mr Stephenson asked about the steps again. Mr Badland mentioned Mr Moorby being park gardener, but Moorby refused. Mr Badland will give tender for park. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.144 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: bill for wall repair; park gardener Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13184 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Sutton of boathouse states set pot has a hole and he needs a new one. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.145 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: boathouse repairs needed Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13185 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for December 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.146 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts December 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13186 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for December 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.147 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts December 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13187 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Normington is putting a new roof on his workshop; Land Knowles wishes to buy between railway and Normingtonâ??s building Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.148 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: new roof on workshop; sale of land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13188 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Rents for allotments and cottage tenants at Hirst; Mr Thomas renting Hirst House for £40 a year; still waiting for plans of Hirst mill from Mr. Thomas; Baker buried his youngest son Harold last Saturday, died from pneumonia, leaves wife and 2 children and only 30 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.149 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Rents for allotments and cottage tenants; death of John Baker's son Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13189 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Plans of allotments to be done; Park to be looked after by Bradford rather than Shipley; mentions Mr Robert Thornton, Mr Frederick Smith, Mr T Gray, Mr George Overend Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.150 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans of allotments; Saltaire Park to be looked after by Bradford Council Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13190 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for January 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.151 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts January 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13191 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Baker has been ill with bad cold; Mr Denison and others didnâ??t like the Park going to Bradford; Denison tool John Inceâ??s position; Plans from Glyn Thomas describing rooms; Mr Robinson trying to sell the Lord Mayor [William Wade] the Park, greenhouses; greenhouses suppled from Glen Reservoir Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.152 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: opposition to Saltaire Park ownership; plans from Glyn Thomas Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13192 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for February 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.153 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts February 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13193 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Hanna Newell of Hall Lane, Windhill was buried on 7th Feb; Paying pensioners every 4 weeks; Mr H Feather, butcher of Victoria Road hadnâ??t received a stable and field bill for 6 months; Mr Stephenson grumbled over door steps of Hirst Farm; mentions old house at higher Hirst Mill Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.154 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: death of pensioner; outstanding bill; Hirst Farm Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13194 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Will Mr Feather send his rent; What the costs for the steps would be Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.155 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Feather's rent; cost of steps Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13195 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Cost of steps around £5; Midland Railway bridge repairs could be low if done temporally; Hirst Lane very bad condition and needs mending; Mr Willieâ??s headstone needs attention Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.156 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: cost of repairs; Midland Railway bridge repairs; repairs to Hirst Lane; repairs to gravestone Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13196 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Conveyance of land sold to Normington & plans which differ by 348 sq. yds so coming to Bradford to sort this out. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.157 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: query about conveyance of land sold to Normington Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13197 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Mentions various plans of Saltaire; Plots going for auction and needing a reserve price. Between Albert Road and Hirst Lane & Hirst wood should bring a good price; Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.158 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans of Saltaire; auctioning of plots Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13198 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Tender for repair of Hirst Lane Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.159 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: Tender for repair of Hirst Lane Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13199 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Plans are mentioned; 4 tenders have been asked for the road repairs but no replies Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.160 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plans are mentioned; tenders for road Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13200 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for March 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.161 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts March 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13201 Creator Coopers Brothers Date Created 1920 Description Letter from Coopers Brothers contractors stating they cannot give a tender for repairs of Hirst Lane but will do a days work Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.162 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - repairs on Hirst Lane Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13202 Creator Berry, A. Date Created 1920 Description Letter from A Berry regarding an offer made by Berry for a field some time ago. £150 for field & stables behind Church occupied by Sam Long Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.163 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - offer for a field Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13203 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Plans sent to Sir Francis Watson, can Baker go see Mr Illingworth to sort out; mention of other plans for Hirst Wood & Milner Fields Estate Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.164 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans sent; plans for Hirst Wood and Milner Fields Estate Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13204 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Surprised Sir Francis Watson hasnâ??t had the measurements completed; sending Sale Plan of Exhibition Land to show how the scale for other plans will be expensive to do; Boundary of Glyn Thomas land behind the farm and that the road belongs to Sir James to the end of the houses Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.165 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: measurements not completed; sale plan of Exhibition Land; boundary of Glyn Thomas land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13205 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Sending cheque for £50 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.166 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Sending cheque for £50 Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13206 Creator Leeds and Liverpool Canal Date Created 1920 Description Letter from the Leeds & Liverpool Canal company wanting a few boat loads of stone from quarry near Hirst Wood Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.167 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - request for stone from quarry Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13207 Creator Lee, Joseph Date Created 1920 Description Tender from Joseph Lee for repairs to Hirst Lane Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.168 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - Tender for repairs Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13208 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Sent letter from Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co; Tender for Hirst Lane is high so asking Mr Wilks of Shipley Council for recommendations - Mr Obank & sons or Mr Starkey; a gardener wants his water pipes repairing Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.169 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: Leeds and Liverpool Canal Co; tender for Hirst Lane; repair of water pipes Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13209 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Normington having money issues; has building been completed to roof or is he is possession Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.170 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Normington money issues Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13210 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Normington'??s building is a good solid one with roof; Mr Spavin of Royal Cafe Saltaire wants one of the fields behind the church Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.171 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Normingtonâ??s building; sale of field behind the church Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13211 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Mr Garton may help Normington and his money issues; the fields behind the church also include the land at sides of church and price from Berry and Spavin are too low Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.172 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Normington money issues; sale of fields behind the church Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13212 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Shall Baker get new plan of church, cafe and fields Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.173 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plan of church, café and fields Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13213 Creator Leeds and Liverpool Canal Date Created 1920 Description Wanting a reply for letter dated 10th April Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.174 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - Wanting a reply for letter dated 10th April Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13214 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Wanting reply to Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co request Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.175 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: wanting reply to Leeds and Liverpool Canal Co request Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13215 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Draw the new plan; Already wrote to Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co asking if they wanted to rent Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.176 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Leeds and Liverpool Canal Co possible lease Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13216 Description Letter from Mr Spavin wanting details of the two fields behind the church Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.177 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Wanting details of the two field behind the church Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13217 Creator Priestley, Ezra Description Letter from Ezra Priestley about pipe repairs for the gardens & allotment no. 54, Albert Road Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.178 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - repairs for 54, Albert Road Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13218 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for April 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.179 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts April 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13219 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Mrs John Barraclough asked for a pension for her husband of 69 years. He was a foreman in the packer & wool warehouse Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.180 Subject Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: request for pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13220 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Mentions new plans drawn for Victoria Road, Church and fields beyond. Asks if garden in front of Hirst House has been conveyed to Mr Thomas. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.181 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans for Victoria Road, Church and fields beyond Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13221 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for May 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.182 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts May 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13222 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Mentions plans and asks if road behind Hirst Farm is part of farm or mill. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.183 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: query about Hirst Farm Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13223 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Forwarding on a letter to Sir James (letter was not included) Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.184 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Forwarding on a letter Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13224 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Mentioned 2 bills Mr Baker send - Broadbentâ??s bill included 2 cleanings [no mention of what was cleaned] and bill paid. Mr Badlandâ??s bill for planting grove was high. Mr Garton of Lloyds back has fixed up with Mr Normington re workshop. 4 water pipes burst in allotments. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.185 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: bills for cleaning, planting grove; Normington's workshop; burst water pipes Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13225 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for June 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.186 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts June 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13226 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Talks of cutting down trees at Higher Hirst Wood to show what a good building site it was. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.187 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: trees at Higher Hirst Woo Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13227 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Visited by Mr & Mrs Grindrod at Morecambe. Mr Normington, a mechanic & Mr Grindrod sent best wishes. Some allotment holders not paid rent. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.188 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: visited by Mr and Mrs Grindrod; rent owed from allotment holders Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13228 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for July 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.189 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts July 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13229 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Garden no. 46 in Albert Road let to Mr Garton of Lloyds Bank. Wall at top of Albert Road needs repairs. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.190 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: renting of garden; repair needed for wall Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13230 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Asked if cottages rents need to be raised Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.191 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: cottage rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13231 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for August 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.192 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts August 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13232 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Asks if he should raise rents again. Walls of Milner Field Estate have been knocked down. Mr Robinson wanted advice. Told him Sir Robert had kept walls to roads in good repair. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.193 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: cottage rents; walls of Milner Field Estate Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13233 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for September 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.194 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts September 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13234 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Enclosed cheque for £80. How much should the rents be increased to and is it worth it? Should Mr Co be given notice & allotments east of Victoria Road? Challenges the boundary fences around the church. Wants plan for land between Railway and Caroline Street. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.195 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: increase of rents; allotments east of Victoria Road; boundary fences around church. plan needed for land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13235 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Rents would be 4s 9d a week or 19s a month for 3 cottages. Advises not to fence land near Caroline Street. Reply from Sir James very hard to read. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.196 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: level of rents. Caroline Street Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13236 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Higher Hirst houses would cost a great deal to make tenable. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.197 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Higher Hirst houses Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13237 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Asked tenants about 30% rent rise. Mrs Jowett agreed, Mr Stevenson couldnâ??t pay as rates were £25 4s 5d - he also asked about repairs. Mr Long agreed rise for fields & stables. Mr Feather disagreed about the fields but agreed stables. Mr Feather retiring and giving up fields that Mr Badland would like. Mr Garton of Lloyds Bank knows someone to take on Mr Stephensonâ??s farm. 5 Higher Hirst houses to repair and need a tender. Mentions land around church and access to fields beyond. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.198 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent rise.; repairs to houses; land around church Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13238 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Completed plans as requested. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.199 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Completed plans as requested. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13239 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Contains changes to boundary and clarification needed on plans received. Wants clarification on Mr Dawsonâ??s complaint from the council. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.200 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: changes to boundary on plans; complaint from the council Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13240 Date Created 1920 Description Letter from Mr Jowett asking when Mr Baker will next visit Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.201 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - inquiry about next visit Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13241 Date Created 1920 Description Letter from Mr Sutton querying new rent of £60 and requesting it to be £50. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.202 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - enquiry about new rent Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13242 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Repeat of letter sent 23rd October about church land. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.203 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: church land. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13243 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Received plan from Mr Dawson Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.204 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plan from Mr Dawson Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13244 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for October 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.205 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts October 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13245 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Church boundary marked by stone posts. Council men cost more and donâ??t work as hard as local builders. Recommended Joseph Lee. Mr Jowett wanted to see John Baker. Mr Stephenson needs repairs still. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.206 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Church boundary; Council workmen; Stephenson needs repairs Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13246 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Will see Mr Sutton (Boat House) and Mr Jowett re rents when visit on 12th. Sir Jamesâ?? reply on back - gives details of rents he expects [writing very bad] Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.207 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Boat House; Mr Jowett re rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13247 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Milner Field sold to Cinema Picture Com. Wanted light & so more power. Wanted power station and Mr Baker pointed out Higher Hirst Mill. So may buy the land there incl. 9 cottages. Does he raise the allotment rents? Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.208 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of Milner Field; power station required; possible sale of Higher Hirst Mill; allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13248 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Stephenson should be able to pay new rent but has repairs that need doing and this is making him angry. He is also getting the kitchen garden near Hist House. Mr Jowett has little land now that Mr Thomas & Shipley Council took it. Higher Hirst Mills may sell at good price. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.209 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: payment of rent and repairs; Jowett's land holding; sale of Higher Hirst Mills Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13249 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1920 Description Mr Foster hasnâ??t been in touch about Higher Hirst Mill. Milner Fields as a Picture Palace will have an effect on morals of area. Glyn Thomas sale still not final and New Hirst Mill wanted by someone else. Allotments - council pay £20 a year but if they raise the rents, they will earn £100 a year. Hirst Farm - Stephenson land and buildings worth a lot. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.210 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Higher Hirst Mill; Milner Fields as a Picture Palace; Glyn Thomas sale; allotment rents; value of Hirst Farm Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13250 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Took the people from Milner Fields around Hirst Mills pointing out the good area for a power station. Land from Albert Road to Hirst Lane worth 5s per sq. yard. Allotment holders want to purchase the land. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.211 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of Hirst Mills; value of land; possible sale of allotments Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13251 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Shall he increase the allotment rents as they need 6 monthsâ?? notice? Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.212 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13252 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Wants the rents to remain low when council raising them, as everyone praising Sir James. Stephenson still not happy with rent increase. Been told someone would like to buy his farm. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.213 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: level of rents; possible sale of Stephenson's farm Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13253 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Again, asking about allotment raises Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.214 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13254 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for November 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.215 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - Accounts November 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13255 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Shipley Council raising allotment rents and Sir James not, so he is getting good press. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.216 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: Shipley Council raising allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13256 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Mr Pringle from the church glad of the land but not the loss of the large beech trees outside the boundary stones. Wanted the boundary changed to include these. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.217 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: boundary of land owned by Church Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13257 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Thomas has cut trees down and placed on water weir. Endangered the weir when last done. Normal through houses in Bradford now £1000. Surprised Milner Fields people not been in contact for Higher Hirst Mill. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.218 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: threat to water weir; cost of houses in Bradford; sale of Higher Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13258 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Higher Hirst Cottage rent is 7s 9d per week. Lower Hirst cottages are 6s 6d. Allotments are £28 8s 8d every 6 months. Allotments rents have not been raised. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.219 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent level for Hirst cottages and allotments Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13259 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Only Stephenson and Feather are complaining about rent rises. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.220 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: complaints about rent rises Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13260 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Allotment holders very pleased rents not increased and Shipley Council getting very bad press about doing so. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.221 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13261 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1920 Description Accounts for December 2020 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.222 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts December 1920 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13262 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Salome Pickard, a pensioner had attained 70th year on 25th Dec when pension stops. Wondered if land bought by Midland railway to pass into council hands. Plans from Hirst bridge to John Street therefore to be handed to council. Allotments been passed to council as well. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.223 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: pension termination; possible land purchase by Midland Railway; allotments passed to council Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13263 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Allotments passed over to Shipley Council Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.224 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotments passed to Shipley Council Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13264 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for January 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.225 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts January 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13265 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Pensioner Elizabeth Gregson died 29th Jan. Mrs Park from Hirst Wood cottages missed rent payment. She looks after family and old father - husband killed in war. When Hirst Wood Estate passes to Shipley Council John will have to pass over all plans. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.226 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: death of pensioner; rent arrears; Hirst Wood plans Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13266 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for February 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.227 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts February 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13267 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Still has plans of Hirst Wood Estate and waiting to pass them to Shipley Council Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.228 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans of Hirst Wood Estate Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13268 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for March 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.229 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts March 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13269 Creator Dunn, Wilfrid Date Created 1921 Description Midland Railway are disputing boundary between them and Mr Normingtonâ??s land. Dunn is solicitor and wants to meet. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.230 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - dispute over boundary Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13270 Creator Dunn, Wilfrid Date Created 1921 Description Dispute between Midland Railway and Mr. Normington Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.231 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - dispute over boundary Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13271 Creator Dunn, Wilfrid Date Created 1921 Description Land in dispute is Midland Railwayâ??s. Therefore, would Sir James be willing to refund money for this land to Mr. Normington. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.232 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - dispute over boundary Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13272 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Passed on letters from Mr Dunn re land at corner of Caroline Street. Their architect was satisfied at time of sale and the sale to Mr. Normington was good. Bierley Union wanted names of allotment holders in front of mill. Shall he collect garden rents in June. Reply from Sir James on last sheet - pass over names to Bierley Union and collect rent Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.233 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: land on Caroline Street; allotment holders; garden rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13273 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for April 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.234 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts April 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13274 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Shall he get Mr. Willieâ??s grave bedded out Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.235 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr. Willieâ??s grave Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13275 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Hirst Lock tenants cannot pay rent. Lloyds bank cheque was not paid out to John so wanted it sent back as he pays out of his bank. Letter sent by Mr Hibberd. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.236 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Hirst Lock tenants; Lloyds bank cheque; Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13276 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for May 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.237 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts May 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13277 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Plans & letter from A T Smith, surveyors of taxes. He wants names and rents for allotment holders in Albert Road. Reply from Sir James on back - copy of letter from Sir James to Mr. Smith Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.238 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans and letter from surveyors of taxes Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13278 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Reiterated given Mr Smith all he asked for. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.239 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: Reiterated given Mr Smith all he asked for. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13279 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description 13 of allotment holders not paid rent & 2 Hirst Lock cottagers. Mills at stand still waiting for coal. Many people without food. Grave [Willeâ??s] all planted. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.240 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears of allotment holders and Hirst Lock cottages; Mills need coal; food shortage; Willie's grave Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13280 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for June 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.241 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts June 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13281 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Mr. Lindow has names of allotment holders Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.242 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: names of allotment holders Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13282 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description 2 houses at Lower Hirst Locks have again missed payments. Will mention this to Mr Lindow before transferred to council. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.243 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears at Lower Hirst Locks Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13283 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for July 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.244 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts July 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13284 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Sent accounts Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.245 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Sent accounts Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13285 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for August 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.246 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts August 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13286 Date Created 1921 Description Confirmation of a loan to purchase Albert Road Estate Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.247 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - confirmation of a loan Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13287 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Mr Stephenson of Hirst Farm wants to retain the farm Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.248 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Stephenson keeps Hirst Farm Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13288 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for September 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.249 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts September 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13289 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Does John need to collect garden rents in December Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.250 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: garden rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13290 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for October 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.251 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts October 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13291 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1921 Description Shipley Council will complete the sale this month. John does not need to collect allotment rents. Send Mr Foster a list of cottage holders. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.252 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: Shipley Council complete sale; allotment rents; list of cottage holders Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13292 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Asking again about allotment rents Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.253 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13293 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for November 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.254 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts November 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13294 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Messrs Gaunt Foster & Co received list of allotment holders and rents Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.255 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: list of allotment holders and rents Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13295 Creator A & C Black Ltd Date Created 1921 Description Receipt from A & C Black Ltd. for £2 3s 3d Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.256 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - receipt Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13296 Creator Wade Tetley Wade and Company Date Created 1921 Description Completion of sale for properties in Saltaire to Shipley Council. Wants a list of allotments details & confirmation of rent from Mr Sutton of the boathouse Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.257 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Completion of sale for properties Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13297 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Arrears on Hist Lock cottages - Alfred Hindle owes £10 3s; late Mrs Park £6 5s (now in Lidget Green); Mr Edward Jennings of Higher Lock Cottage owes 15s 6d. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.258 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: arrears on Hist Lock cottages Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13298 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1921 Description John must collect all cottage and allotment rents to end of year. Mr Suttonâ??s rent is 8s 3d for half a year. Must get arrears or letters to say they are indebt to pass to council. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.259 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: cottage and allotment rents to end of year Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13299 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Reiterated arrears & will collect rents. Council will not have anything to do with arrears before they take over. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.260 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears and collection Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13300 Creator Baguley, H. Date Created 1921 Description Letter from H Baguley [new husband of Mrs Park]. Mrs Baguley will not be able to pay arrears but will do her best. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.261 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - payment of arrears Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13301 Creator Airedale Agricultural Society Date Created 1921 Description Letter asking for subscription to Airedale Agricultural Society Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.262 Subject Agriculture Title Baker Letters - subscription Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13302 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for December 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.263 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts December 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13303 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for December 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.264 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts December 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13304 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1921 Description Accounts for December 2021 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.265 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts December 1921 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13305 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Description [No dates but were in the folder - 5 small notes clipped together] Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.266 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: 5 small notes Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13306 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description 3 payments to collect. Repaired wall in Caroline Street. Allotments in front of mill and between river and canal are to give notice as council sold land. Land to be used for cricket and football. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.267 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent payments to collect; repairs in Caroline Street; sale of allotment land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13307 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Apologise for allotment rent mistake. John been ill. Lots of purchasing from council. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.268 Subject Real Estate Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rent mistake; purchasing by council Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13308 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Cheque for £100 not made out to John so difficulty paying pensioners. Cutting attached of death of Mrs Ackroyd. No more rent from H Baguley. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.269 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: difficulty paying pensioners; death of pensioner; rent arrears Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13309 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for January 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.270 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts January 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13310 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Mr Hindley paying off arrears well. Mr Baguley not answering letters. All other rents OK. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.271 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13311 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Re Mr Baguley and what John should do. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.272 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13312 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for February 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.273 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts February 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13313 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for March 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.274 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts March 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13314 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Paid pensioners twice at start and end of March. Mt Baguley still not paid arrears. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.275 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: pension payments; rent arrears Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13315 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for April 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.276 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts April 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13316 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description No rent from Mr Baguley. Men working at new pleasure grounds between river and canal with allotments holders on notice to leave. Roberts Park is looking well. Asks about Willieâ??s grave. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.277 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears; pleasure grounds and allotments; condition of Roberts Park; Willieâ??s grave. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13317 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Speaks of Willieâ??s Grave and Mr Baguley Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.278 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Baker Letters - regarding: Willieâ??s Grave; rent arrears Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13318 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Speaks of Willieâ??s Grave and Mr Baguley again. A well is being sunk at end of wool shed, now the twisting room. So have no need of Glen Beck Reservoir - believed this is foolish. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.279 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Baker Letters - regarding: Willieâ??s Grave; rent arrears; provision of water Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13319 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for May 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.280 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts May 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13320 Date Created 1922 Description Invoice for £2 10s for grave bedding plants Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.281 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Baker Letters - Invoice for £2 10s for grave bedding plants Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13321 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Willieâ??s grave looks beautiful. Roberts Park looks beautiful with the plants. No rents collected after December apart from arrears and hopes Shipley Council OK with this. Written to Mr Baguley and no response. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.282 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Open spaces Title Baker Letters - regarding: Willieâ??s grave, Roberts Park and rentsShipley Council OK with this. Written to Mr Baguley and no response. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13322 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for June 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.283 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts June 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13323 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Still no money from Mr Baguley Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.284 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: money owing Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13324 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for July 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.285 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts July 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13325 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Sent accounts Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.286 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Sent accounts Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13326 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for August 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.287 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts August 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13327 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Can John get wallflowers for Willieâ??s grave over Winter. Saltaire firm spending thousands of pounds on Pleasure Grounds on river side to compete with Robertâ??s Park. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.288 Subject Real Estate Roberts family Title Baker Letters - regarding: Willieâ??s grave and Pleasure Grounds Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13328 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Accounts for September 2022 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.289 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts September 1922 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13329 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Wanted list of Pensioners as 8 on list but paying 7. He would give £8 a month to John for looking after property. Only paying pensioners left as all land gone. So, wanted to pay severance of £500 and lump sum to pensioners. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.290 Subject Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: payment of pensioners Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13330 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Thought money was a pension of £96 a year. But grateful for £500. Does he collect rent of 13th and let him know if arrangements in place by November with pensioners. Pensioners are Martha Rawnsley, Amelia Harker, John T Hadham, Janet H Preston, Susannah Illingworth, Susan Poole, Fred Hartley. Mrs Ackroyd died in February. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.291 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: payment of pensioners Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13331 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1922 Description Thanked Sir James for the £500. End of his service Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.292 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: end of service Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13332 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mrs Rawsley regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.293 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13333 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mrs Harker regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.294 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13334 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mr Hadlum regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.295 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13335 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mrs Preston regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.296 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13336 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mrs Illingworth regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.297 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13337 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mrs Poole regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.298 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13338 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1922 Description Letter to Mr Hartley regarding termination of pension Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.299 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - Termination of Pension Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13339 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Would like plan of Fanny Street Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.44 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plan of Fanny Street Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13340 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Plan of Fanny Street Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.45 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plan of Fanny Street Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13341 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Strick last summer; Mr Hird to carry out work; E Starkey repairs at Milner Field Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.46 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: work and repairs Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13342 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Another fire at Hirst Mill - 2am that morning Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.47 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: fire at Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13343 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Plans & acreage as requested Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.48 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Plans and acreage Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13344 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for January 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.49 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts January 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13345 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Letter from Messrs Easton & Haslam, valuers for Commercial Union re Mill Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.50 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: insurnace claim for Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13346 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Drake would like to buy trees by river & in Hirst wood to be used for logs; Mr Hill & Mr Gates considering buying land in Shipley & Baildon Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.51 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: potential sale of land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13347 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Hill enquiring about farms; No to Mr Drake and the trees; Mr Baker to do nothing with insurers as sent for the lease and is considering next steps Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.52 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: enquiry about farms; Mr Drake and the trees; no action with insurers Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13348 Creator Holden, Alfred Date Created 1919 Description Invoice from Alfred Holden of 19 Albert Road for work at Hirst House Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.53 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - invoice for work Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13349 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Sir James is not optimistic about the purchase of the Mill by Mr Hill Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.54 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: purchase of the Mill by Mr Hill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13350 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Hill asked acreage for Knoll estate; Mr Searle (Mr Hillâ??s treasurer) said that the company thinking of buying the estate and land owned by Mr Lister Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.55 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: potential sale of land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13351 Creator Starkey, Enoch Date Created 1919 Description Invoice from Enoch Starkey for repairs on the estate Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.56 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - invoice for repairs Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13352 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mrs Roberts sold The Knoll; Asked about Eliza Walker, Ellen Sutcliffe, Fred Hartley & Martha Rawnsley Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.57 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of The Knoll; queries about pensioners Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13353 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Ownership of South East end of Park Street; Eliza Walker, Ellen Sutcliffe, Fred Hartley & Martha Rawnsley; John Baker will leave at end April to go to Morecambe; Visit by Mrs Titus Salt Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.58 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: ownership of Park Street and visit by Catherine Salt Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13354 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for February 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.59 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts February 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13355 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for March 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.60 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts March 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13356 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Fire at Hirst Mill; Sir James is in Mayfair Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.61 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: fire at Hirst Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13357 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Easton & Haslam Insurers of Mill & repairs; Visit by Sir James to Milner Field; Johnâ??s move to Morecambe Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.62 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: repairs to Hirst Mill and John Baker's move to Morecambe Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13358 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Ackroyd & corroded pipes Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.63 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: corroded pipes Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13359 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Improving water mains at Milner Field Farm; Mr Normington enquiring about purchasing land in John Street Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.64 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - regarding: water mains and land sale Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13360 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Hirst Mill fire & insurance Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.65 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Hirst Mill fire and insurance Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13361 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Insurance; Mr Searle wants to buy estate; Visit by Sir James; Mr Normington wants Midland railway to put in a siding Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.66 Subject Real Estate Construction Transport and communication Title Baker Letters - regarding: Insurance; purchase of estate, visit by Sir James Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13362 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Agree with Mr Normington Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.67 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: agree with Mr Normington Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13363 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Normington; Mr Heys buying land opposite John Street; Johnâ??s move to Morecambe Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.68 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington and Mr Heys buying land opposite John Street Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13364 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Asked John to continue to work for him from Morecambe Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.69 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: request to continue work from Morecambe Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13365 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Normington; rebuilding of Mill Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.70 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington; rebuilding of Mill Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13366 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Renting out Milner House and will John show the clients around Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.71 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: renting out Milner House Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13367 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description John will work from Morecambe but will need travel expenses; Ellen Sutcliffe Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.72 Subject Real Estate Welfare Title Baker Letters - regarding: John Baker will work from Morecambe Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13368 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Plans; Mr Normington; Giving £100 to John as thanks Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.73 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans; Mr Normington; gift to John Baker Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13369 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Offer of land between school and railway Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.74 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Offer of land between school and railway Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13370 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for April 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.75 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts April 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13371 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Normington to buy timber in Hull & land in Saltaire Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.76 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington to buy timber Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13372 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Will accept at least 7/6 per yard from Mr Normington Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.77 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: purchase costs Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13373 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Normington wanted land but then left so John is confused; Seems that Mr Normingtonâ??s father opposes land purchase; Messrs Jackson, Ellis & Crowther own land east of Exhibition Road Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.78 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington wanted land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13374 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Normington offered 8s per yd but previously stated he would pay 10s; land between school and railway fit for a shop Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.79 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington offer for land purcahse Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13375 Date Created 1919 Description Receipt from Alfred Holden for 9 hours work repairing lead pipes Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.80 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - receipt for work Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13376 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Normington paper work completed & needs signing; Security & mortgage for a shop. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.81 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington paper work; Security and mortgage for a shop. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13377 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Received £100 deposit from Mr Normington; Derby to fix boundary. Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.82 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Received £100 deposit from Mr Normington; Derby to fix boundary. Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13378 Date Created 1919 Description Receipt from Lummis, stationers Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.83 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - receipt for stationery Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13379 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Midland Estate Office, Derby & boundary - posts in John Street, Caroline Street; Dr Ellis & Mr Jackson was to sell land between Hirst lands & Albert Road; John getting a railway pass; Mr Ackroyd needs someone else to cut grass at Milner Field Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.84 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: boundary posts and land sales Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13380 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Plans to be sent to Mr Walker of Messrs Armitage & Norton of plot sold & land between Caroline Street & railway & Victoria Road. Doesnâ??t want to sell land near Albert Road as council are interested but their price is too cheap Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.85 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: plans of land between Caroline Street and railway; possible sale of land near Albert Road Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13381 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Boundary not settled by Derby; Plans sent to Mr Ackroyd; Trying to sell land near Albert Road Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.86 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: questions over boundary and sale of land Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13382 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Railway Pass & travelling 3-4 times a week from Morecambe; boundary not settled Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.87 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: John Baker's travel from Morecambe and boundary issues Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13383 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Nothing as yet from Derby; Problem with Park Tennis Club as they donâ??t assist Park keepers as should Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.88 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: nothing from Derby; Problem with Park Tennis Club Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13384 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Moving from Saltaire to Morecambe on Saturday to Thorndene, Elms Road; Nothing regards boundary as yet received Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.89 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: John Baker's move to Morecambe; boundary issues Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13385 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for May 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.90 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts May 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13386 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Receipt for payment to E Jackson for drain repairs Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.91 Subject Real Estate Construction Title Baker Letters - Receipt for payment to E Jackson for drain repairs Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13387 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Arthur Hill is seeing Mr Walker from Messrs Armitage & Norton Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.92 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Arthur Hill is seeing Mr Walker from Messrs Armitage and Norton Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13388 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Anderton, architect wants to purchase fields on railway side of Hirst Bridge; Boundary with Midland Railway settled; Mr Lister & furniture at Milner Field; Mr Sircum leaving Hirst House Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.93 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: purchase of fields; boundary dispute settled; Milner Field and Hirst House Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13389 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Offered Glen Thomas Milner House Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.94 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Offered Glen Thomas Milner House Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13390 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Hill wants Milner House; Others wanting fields from River Bridge to Hirst Mill & Higher Hirst Mill; John has been offered money to oversee Milner Field after it has been sold Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.95 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: sale of Milner House and fields Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13391 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Robinson & water for Mill; Possible sale of land on Coach Road Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.96 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Robinson and water for Mill; possible sale of land on Coach Road Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13392 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Accounts for June 2019 Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.97 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - Accounts June 1919 Type financial document -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13393 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10980 Date Created 1919 Description Mr Robinson and farms between Trench Farm, Glen Road and Coach Road Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.98 Subject Real Estate Title Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Robinson and farms Type letter -- Url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13394 Creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6648 Date Created 1919 Description Brangwynâ??s picture is with the Chief Accountant of Venice Exhibition Format handwritten Identifier H2-208.99 Subject Roberts family Family history Title Baker Letters - regarding: Brangwyn'??s picture Type letter --