Subject is exactly
Real Estate
2018.36.4: Winding up of Sir Titus Salt, Bart & Co LtdOriginal document written by Wade, Bilbrough, Booth & Co. regarding the winding up of Sir Titus Salt, Bart & Co Ltd and its sale to the Syndicate: Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts
2018.36.5: Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons & Co. Limited Deed of Arrangement
Deed of arrangement between members of the Late Sir Titus Salt's Family and Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts. The document lays out the plans for reconstruction of Salts between members of the Salt family and the Syndicate of four Bradford businessmen who were buying Sir TItus Salt Bart & Co. -
2018.40.25: Tenancy agreement for Denton ParkTenancy agreement for Denton Park between Mrs Catherine Salt and Marmaduke D'Arcy Wyvill
2020.18: Bright BootsAutobiography of the life of Fred Greswell. He owned Bradford Property Trust which bought the village of Saltaire from Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. in 1933. Fred Gresswell 1890-1985 startred work in the grocery trade, then moved into Insurance and then property management
2021.25.1.1: Photograph and textA small board-mounted photograph of Hirst Mill and text relating to the sale of the Mill (no date)
2021.25.1.2: Photograph and textA small laminated board-mounted photograph of Hirst Mill and text relating to the sale of the Mill (no date)
2021.25.2.1: Photograph and textA small board-mounted photograph of Hirst House and text relating to the sale of the House (no date)
2021.25.2.2: Photograph and textA small laminated board-mounted photograph of Hirst House and text relating to the sale of the House (no date)
2021.4: Collection of deedsCollection of deeds donated by Patsy Philips relating to Hirst Wood farm and Hirst Wood
2021.4.1.1: Collection of deedsOriginal deed - An agreement for the letting of a farm between the Countess of Rosse and John Mortimer Jowett - 3/1/1878
2021.4.1.2: Collection of deeds
Copy of deed - An agreement for the letting of a farm between the Countess of Rosse and John Mortimer Jowett - 3/1/1878 -
2021.4.10: Part of a Mortgage contract
A typed written abstract of a mortgage dated 6th January 1921 and 6th October 1922 reating to Hirst House, Shipley: Between Glyn Thomas & Company and Sir James Roberts. Also reference to the mortgage having been paid off in 1934 -
2021.4.2: Collection of deeds
A typed copy of a deed - A conveyance transferring the land now occupied by Shipley College to the Governors of the Salt school - 22/03/1900 - Typed document of 18 pages - Containing the names of the trustees of the Sir Titus Salt will -
2021.4.3: Original conveyancing document for strip of land near Hirst Mill
Original conveyancing document between the Reverend Randall Parsons, the Rt. Hon Lawrence, Earl of Rosse) and Sir Titus Salt Bart, Sons and Co. Ltd. with James and Bertram Roberts for a plot of land at Hirst Mill - 02/07/1900 - The deed relates to a strip of land behind Hirst Mill cottages -
2021.4.4: Abstract of land transfers
An abstract of title relating to transfers, sales and purchases of land at Hirst wood - 1866 - 1911 - Information in printed text -
2021.4.5.1: Two schedules relating to plots of land 113 and 114 near Hirst Wood, Shipley
Two schedules relating to plots of land 113 and 114 that are part woodland, the site of the rowing club and part of Hirst Mill in Sir James Roberts name - 01/1912. Relates to land that was used by Bradford rowing club -
2021.4.5.2: Apportionment of rentals to Sir James Roberts
A statement of apportionment of rentals to Sir James Roberts - 01/1912. Relates to land that was used by Bradford rowing club. -
2021.4.5.3: Collection of deeds
A statement of apportionment of rentals to Sir James Roberts relating to Hirst Mill - 01/1912. Relates to the tenancy of Mr Jowett. -
2021.4.5.4: Collection of deeds
Abstract of title of Sir James Roberts to the Hirst Mill estate. Dated 1920. -
2021.4.5.5: Collection of deeds
A letter from Wade, Bilbrough and Tetley CO. regarding the sale of land from Lord Rosse to Sir James Roberts - 26/02/1912