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Saltaire Collection
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photographic image
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High School
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C2a-050.14: Saltaire village - Images (People).
Three photocopies of a football team outside the Salts School c.1900s (no IDs)
C2b-098: Saltaire High Schools
Framed copy of a hand coloured print of 'Saltaire High Schools'
C2b-102/6/6: Salts School Coat of Arms and Bell
Salts School Coat of Arms and Bell. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell.
C2b-129: Saltaire village Images (Places)
Black and white postcard of 'The Salts School, Victoria Road'
C3a-017: Photograph of a class of Salts School boys (c.1920s)
Photograph of a class of Salts School boys (c.1920s)
D1-021a/b: Boys at Salts High School
Photograph of boys at Salts High School
D1-022a-c: Girls at Salts High School
Photograph of girls at Salts High School
D2-043: Salt's School Sports Day
Photograph of Salt's School Sports Day in Roberts Park
E1b-031a: Boys from Salts High School
Photograph of the 1909 Oxford senior team from Salts Boys Boys High School
E1b-031b: Education, Schools (Documents)
Copy of a photograph of the 1909 Oxford senior team from Salts Boys Boys High School (named)
E1b-032: Students and teachers at Salts Boys High School
Photograph of a class of boys & masters at Salts Boys High School c.1920?
E1b-033a-d: Students and teachers at Salts Boys High School
1 original photograph of boys & master of Salts Boys High School 1921 (a) (1 with ID's (b)), 1 newspaper cutting (c), 1 Identity sheet (d)
E1b-034b,e: Students and teachers at Salts Boys High School
1 original card-framed (b), 1 copy with IDs (e) of a photograph of boys & masters of Salts Boys High School c.1920
E1b-035a: Salts Boys Grammar School during the First World War
Photograph of Salts Boys High School during the First World War
E1b-036b: Education, Schools (Documents)
Photograph of old boy graduates with master at Salts Boys Boys High School 1918
E1b-038a: Students and teachers at Salts High School
Photograph of a class of boys and masters at Salts Grammar School about 1940s/50s
E1b-039a: Football team of Salts High School
A card-mounted photograph of football team at Salts Boys High School c.1880s?
E1b-040a: Football team of Salts High School
Card-mounted photograph of football team at Salts Boys High School c.1914/15 (Team Identified)
E1b-041a: Football team of Salts High School
Card-mounted photograph of football team at Salts Boys High School c.1922/23. Members of the team are Identified on the photograph.
E1b-042: Footbal team of Salts HIgh School
Photograph of football team at Salts Boys High School (c.1910s/20s)
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