Subject is exactly
open spaces
AND [Any property] contains
2020.2.1: Harold Kendall in his allotmentColoured photograph of Harold Kendall amongst his roses in his allotment in Saltaire. Allotment is located behind Saltaire United Reformed Church, shows Roberts Park in background.
2022.74: Saltaire's Allotments: A second draft of their history
A history of the various allotments in Saltaire researched by Les Brook with major contributions from Colin Coates and James Roberts. A detailed history of the provision and use of allotments in Saltaire, including many changes to their extent and location. -
B1-061/12: Salts Millsmall print of mill from the south west, showing allotments
B1-355-49: Salts Mill: Morley & Woodhouse Files. Messrs Salt (Saltaire) Ltd. Land at HardenPlan of Allotment gardens at Harden re. application to develop
B1-355-50: Salts Mill: Morley & Woodhouse Files. Messrs Salt (Saltaire) Ltd. Land at HardenPlan of Allotment gardens at Harden re. application to develop
C1-002: Saltaire village - Maps & PlansLaminated copy of a plan of Saltaire with 10 plots around mill measured c.1880s + allotments by river
C2b-032.7: Saltaire Images of Places
Printed copy of a drawing of Salts Mill from Victoria Road. Shows Victoria Road, the mill, the train line and allotments/fields. -
C2b-102/3/1: Allotments
Allotments. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-268: Saltaire village Images (Places)One of a set of photographs taken from the top of Salts Mill chimney c.1965. View looking down to Mill yard & fuel tanks & allotments
C2b-380f: Saltaire village Images (Places)Photograph taken on the top of Salts Mill Chimney - Looking down on the Congregational Church & the allotments
C3a-082: The memories of Sykes, Ray - growing up in SaltairePersonal history of Roy Sykes, born in Saltaire in 1942. Inlcudes account of being born and growin up in Saltaire, the houses, shops, and allotments.
H2-208.131: Baker Letters - regarding: allotments; Mr Normington; Glynn Thomas; stables and fields; fence surrounding churchAllotments; Mr Normington; Glynn Thomas no action to be taken; Mr Feather can have stables & fields; Mr Clarke can have land if price is right; Fence surrounding church
H2-208.150: Baker Letters - regarding: plans of allotments; Saltaire Park to be looked after by Bradford CouncilPlans of allotments to be done; Park to be looked after by Bradford rather than Shipley; mentions Mr Robert Thornton, Mr Frederick Smith, Mr T Gray, Mr George Overend
H2-208.188: Baker Letters - regarding: visited by Mr and Mrs Grindrod; rent owed from allotment holdersVisited by Mr & Mrs Grindrod at Morecambe. Mr Normington, a mechanic & Mr Grindrod sent best wishes. Some allotment holders not paid rent.
H2-208.195: Baker Letters - regarding: increase of rents; allotments east of Victoria Road; boundary fences around church. plan needed for landEnclosed cheque for £80. How much should the rents be increased to and is it worth it? Should Mr Co be given notice & allotments east of Victoria Road? Challenges the boundary fences around the church. Wants plan for land between Railway and Caroline Street.
H2-208.212: Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rentsShall he increase the allotment rents as they need 6 monthsâ?? notice?
H2-208.214: Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rentsAgain, asking about allotment raises
H2-208.216: Baker Letters - regarding: Shipley Council raising allotment rentsShipley Council raising allotment rents and Sir James not, so he is getting good press.
H2-208.221: Baker Letters - regarding: allotment rentsAllotment holders very pleased rents not increased and Shipley Council getting very bad press about doing so.
H2-208.224: Baker Letters - regarding: allotments passed to Shipley CouncilAllotments passed over to Shipley Council