Subject is exactly
open spaces
AND Relation contains
roberts park
2018.36.7: Prince & Princess of Wales planting a tree in Saltaire Park
Original photograph of the Prince (the future Edward VII) and Princess of Wales planting a tree in Saltaire Park (now Roberts Park) The royal couple have arrived in a carriage (visible in the background) and have walked along a hall rug to a tree to be planted. Prince Edward holds an umberella, and a cigarette, while Princess Alexandra holds the spade. Members of ths Salt family including Titus Salt Junior, his wife Catherine and their children Lawrence and Isabel stand to the right of the couple. ( A3-052 is a different version of this photograph with another chld visible). With 2 copies of the original - 1 full copy and 1 close up of Isabel Salt -
2019.2.1: Souvenir Cup
1887 Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition Souvenir cup decorated with a view of Roberts Park. -
2019.45.16.1: Timeline for Roberts ParkTimeline for Saltaire Park (Roberts Park) - Part 1 1869-1886
2019.45.16.2: Timeline for Roberts ParkTimeline for Saltaire Park (Roberts Park) - Part 2 (1887-1889)
2019.9.2.2: Town planShowing the town and works of Saltaire and Saltaire Park. From an original plan by Lockwood and Mawson c.1870. The park was under construction in 1870, but was always part of the Lockwood and Mawsons plan for the Town, so this may be a plan for the future or it may be to show the completed work. The corner site at the west end of Gordon Terrace is not yet developed. This site was bought by Sir Titus in 1874.
2020.12.2: Photograph of Alpacas
A photograph of the statue of two aplacas in Roberts Park in 2020 -
2024.126: The park and Salt Mills, SaltaireThe park and Salt Mills, Saltaire. Coloured postcard of Roberts Park looking across towards Salts Mill with people watching a sports event in the foreground. On the reverse it says published by the Saltaire Village Society and Saltaire Tourist Information Centre 1996
2024.31.5: Roberts Park, home of Saltaire Cricket Club in 1916
Roberts Park, home of Saltaire Cricket Club in 1916 1 of a set of 12 photographs from the collections of the Saltaire Village Society and the Saltaire Traders' Association -
B1-369: Salts MillPhotocopy of a coloured postcard of the mill from Roberts Park with crowds at a sports event in the park
B1-371a-b: Salts Mill and cricket matchA coloured postcard of Salts Mill from Roberts Park with a cricket match in the forground
B1-374: Salts MillA4 Laminated copy of 2 postcards of Roberts Park Gatehouse & Cricketers in park : See B1-371a-b and F1b-142a for original photocopies
C1-053: Saltaire village - Maps & PlansOrdnance Survey map 1:1250 SE1338SE (1959-60) Roberts Park
C2a-014: Bell Family in Roberts ParkPhotograph of the Bell Family in Roberts Park
C2b-032.13: Bandstand in Roberts Park in Slataire
Postcard showing the bandstand, canons and statue of Sir Titus Salt in Roberts Park. -
C2b-032.15: Bandstand in Roberts Park, Saltaire
Postcard showing the bandstand, canons and statue of Sir Titus Salt in Roberts Park. -
C2b-032.22: Roberts Park, Saltaire
Photograph showing lots of people in Roberts Park, with 'A Happy New Year' printed above. -
C2b-032.26: Lodge house in Roberts Park, and an almshouse in Saltaire
Postcard showing two colour photographs. One is the lodge house in Roberts Park and the other is one of the almshouses in Alexandra Square. Both photos are showing the large hydrangeas in bloom. -
C2b-032.4: Roberts Park lodge house
Photograph of Roberts Park lodge house, Saltaire. Shows gates to Coach Road on right.Two men stand in front of the lodge. -
C2b-032.8: Boathouse, Saltaire
Photograph of the boathouse, Saltaire, showing second bridge over the river and mill in background. -
C2b-056: Saltaire village (Images of places)Set of 5 photographs on a Roberts Park festival