url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/1156 dcterms:creator C.H. Lord dcterms:created 1922 dcterms:description Sale catalogue for the sale of Milner Field Estate, prepared by C.H. Lord - Estate Agent, for sale by Gaunt Foster which did not go ahead as planning permission was not granted. The catalogue includes image of the house both externally and internally at the time of sale, with some images from the Salts family. The details include who the Architect was and who owned the land prior to the Salts. However the Salts family sold the estate in 1903 to James Roberts, but there is no mention of him in in this document. The document looks later in style than the dated 1922 document but further research is requied to establish an accurate date. This copy includes image of the inside of one of the gate houses and a newspaper cutting 'Sir Titus Salt - A man of Two statues' taken from the Times and Express April 20th 1966. dcterms:format printed dcterms:identifier A2-028 dcterms:relation https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/8020 dcterms:subject Salt family homes Real Estate dcterms:title Salt Family - Residences dcterms:type business document --