url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13806 dcterms:created 1970s dcterms:description Promotional brochure for the subsidary companies of Illingworth, Morris Group. There is some brief introductory text. There are individual double-page presentations for each of the companies. One page features samples of cloth produced by the company. The other page is a photograph of a 'typica'l' scene from teh Britain of the time. There is an index of overseas agents at the back of hte book. dcterms:format printed dcterms:identifier 2018.57 dcterms:publisher https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7144 dcterms:subject Salts Mill Textile industry Royal visit dcterms:title Cloth from Great Britain dcterms:type booklet --