url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/2849 dcterms:creator Blakey, Arthur https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10987 dcterms:created 1953 dcterms:description A black & white photograph of Amelia Street, Coronation Party taken by the Telegraph & Argus photographer Arthur Blakey. The photograph is of everyone attending the street party sitting at their tables and chairs. One girl to the right seems to have borrowed her fathers coat but is still wearing a party hat, she is standing by a pram with a child sitting up in it. Behind her are people standing in a doorway. dcterms:format photograph (black and white) dcterms:identifier C2a-013b dcterms:subject Saltaire village Entertainment dcterms:title Saltaire village - Images (People) dcterms:type photographic image --