url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/5389 dcterms:created 1999 dcterms:description 'Alpaca', a Magazine produced by the British Alpaca Society, this is the Winter 1999 edition and includes an article on fibre quality, and updates from around the world, including Australia and the USA. dcterms:format printed dcterms:identifier F1a-192 dcterms:publisher British Alpaca Society dcterms:relation https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10855 dcterms:spatial https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6576 dcterms:subject Textile industry dcterms:title Alpaca; Foretelling the Future, stock and fibre in the 21st century, Volumn II. dcterms:type magazine --