url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/572 dcterms:created 20th century, early dcterms:description Collar in 2 pieces, one cream silk and one cream and grey lace. Silk part has a sewn on label inscription M.J.Salt in red. Silk inner collar is double layered with cotton insert. 3 hooks and eyes at each thick end and 1 hook and eye at single layer end. Button hole to left of label. Lace has been hand sewn with blue thread onto 1.5cm grey material. Intricate flower detaled lace to bottom edge. 4 hooks on left side of lace and 6 bones on reverse. dcterms:format lace dcterms:identifier 2016.2.7 dcterms:references https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6636 dcterms:subject Clothing and household textiles Salt family dcterms:title Lace Collar dcterms:type textile --