url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6379 dcterms:created 20th century, early dcterms:description 2 strips of netting decorated with 7 repeated feather and scallop designs. 2 types of beads are used in the design, 2mm flat beads and 4mm round lustre pearl beads. Between the 7 main designs on each piece there is a small circular embellishment of small flat beads around 1 pearl bead. Most of the central pearl beads are missing. Scalloped edge of both pieces are knotted and frayed. Appears to have been crudely cut from a garment. dcterms:identifier 2016.2.49 dcterms:references https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6636 dcterms:subject Clothing and household textiles Salt family dcterms:title Strips of heavily beaded cream netting dcterms:type textile --