url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6625 dcterms:created 1950 - 1960 dcterms:description Black & white photograph of textile display with man on right taking a photo. May be linked to adult education classes ad appear to be in the Exhibition Road Building (see also 2019.46.14, 2019.46.13.1, 2019.46.13.2) dcterms:format photograph (black and white) dcterms:identifier 2019.46.13.3 dcterms:references https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6763 dcterms:relation https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/8023 dcterms:subject Education dcterms:title Textile Display dcterms:type photographic image --