url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/670 dcterms:created 1915 dcterms:description The Shepherd's Garden.' Cardboard box, slightly damaged, 16cm high x 11cm wide, containing 8 cards. Box and cards with coloured picture of shepherd presenting floral wreath to shepherdess. Inside of card contains riddling poem with missing words. Separate sheet listing answers to riddles. Made by Valentine and Sons, Dundee and London. Also contains two handwritten cards 11cm high x 9cm wide with instructions to games, 'Find Me!' and 'Hide and Seek' with blank paper folded round them. Back of cards contain printed advertisement for 'White Elephant' stall for Oxted and Limpsfield Congregational Church. C1915. dcterms:identifier 2018.9.6.8 dcterms:subject Salt family Family history dcterms:title Valentine's Party Games dcterms:type object --