url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/7815 dcterms:date 1840-1930 dcterms:description George arrived in Saltaire in 1860 to be an assistant teacher in the Factory School that provided part-time education for some of the children working in Salts Mill. By the early 1870s he was the headmaster, later moving to be head of the nearby Shipley Central School. George was a member of the Saltaire Congregational Church and long-serving Superintendent of its magnificent Sunday School. A life-long teetotaller, George promoted responsible drinking and was one of the founders of the Shipley Temperance Union in 1892, becoming President in 1902. He finally retired after 45 years of service. He was obviously fondly thought of and well respected. A magnificent illuminated presentation book was given to him on retirement, paid for by public subscription and to which Sir James Roberts and many eminent past-students contributed. dcterms:identifier PAR76 dcterms:subject Teacher dcterms:title Morrell, George dcterms:type person --