url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/844 dcterms:creator https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/10751 dcterms:created 20th century, mid dcterms:description The Audio CD is a partial transfer from cassette tapes of a recording of an interview with Clive Woods, local Saltaire bookshop owner, historian, and heritage campaigner. Clive is being interviewed by Graham Haughton of the University of Manchester. The recording of the start of the interview is of poor quality. Clive Woods talks about his part in the process of making Saltaire into a World Heritage Site. He starts by referring to the reopening of Saltaire Railway Station (closed in the 1960s) in the 1980s and claims that this was the start of the 'gentrification' of Saltaire. He goes on to talk about the campaign agains a proposed Shipley bye-pass that would have gone along the route of Coach Road next to Roberts Park. Clive also mentions some of the older inhabitants of Saltaire, church officials in the village, and Bradford Council having no interest in preserving Saltaire, but how they gradually changed their minds. He refers to the influence of the well-known historian Roy Strong of the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Bradford entrepreneur Jonathan Silver. He goes on to talk about the origin of the Saltaire Village Society and the part it played in influencing English Heritage and UNESCO in the preservation and protection of Saltaire. dcterms:format audio recording dcterms:identifier 2020.16.1 dcterms:relation https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6567 dcterms:subject Saltaire village Heritage Social and community organisations dcterms:title Clive Woods interviewed dcterms:type object --