url https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/901 dcterms:creator Moorhead Publishing dcterms:created 2000 dcterms:description Sir H. Norman Rae 1860-1928 by G. Shuttleworth and M. Walker. Covering he life of the man who gave Northcliffe Park to the people of Shipley dcterms:format printed dcterms:identifier 2021.14 dcterms:references https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/8030 dcterms:relation https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/13586 dcterms:spatial https://explore.saltairecollection.org/s/p/item/6571 dcterms:subject Entertainment Philanthropy Open spaces dcterms:title Sir H. Norman Rae 1860-1928 - Our Local Benefactor dcterms:type book --