Baker, John


Baker, John
John Baker was a Clerk of Works at Salts Mill during the early twentieth century when it was owned by Sir James Roberts. He then became Roberts' representative in Saltaire when Salts Mill was sold in 1918. He collected rent for Roberts, gave out pensions and generally looked out for his interests. The Saltaire Collection includes correspondence between Baker and Roberts.

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Items with "Associated person or organisation: Baker, John"
Title Class
H2-208.118: Baker Letters - regarding: payment for sand; sale of Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.126: Baker Letters - regarding: status of Saltaire Park and offer to Bradford council Physical Object
H2-208.128: Baker Letters - regarding: visit from Midland Railway Physical Object
H2-208.131: Baker Letters - regarding: allotments; Mr Normington; Glynn Thomas; stables and fields; fence surrounding church Physical Object
H2-208.155: Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Feather's rent; cost of steps Physical Object
H2-208.157: Baker Letters - regarding: query about conveyance of land sold to Normington Physical Object
H2-208.159: Baker Letters - regarding: Tender for repair of Hirst Lane Physical Object
H2-208.162: Baker Letters - repairs on Hirst Lane Physical Object
H2-208.163: Baker Letters - offer for a field Physical Object
H2-208.164: Baker Letters - regarding: plans sent; plans for Hirst Wood and Milner Fields Estate Physical Object
H2-208.166: Baker Letters - regarding: Sending cheque for £50 Physical Object
H2-208.167: Baker Letters - request for stone from quarry Physical Object
H2-208.168: Baker Letters - Tender for repairs Physical Object
H2-208.170: Baker Letters - regarding: Normington money issues Physical Object
H2-208.172: Baker Letters - regarding: Normington money issues; sale of fields behind the church Physical Object
H2-208.174: Baker Letters - Wanting a reply for letter dated 10th April Physical Object
H2-208.176: Baker Letters - regarding: Leeds and Liverpool Canal Co possible lease Physical Object
H2-208.195: Baker Letters - regarding: increase of rents; allotments east of Victoria Road; boundary fences around church. plan needed for land Physical Object
H2-208.200: Baker Letters - regarding: changes to boundary on plans; complaint from the council Physical Object
H2-208.201: Baker Letters - inquiry about next visit Physical Object
H2-208.202: Baker Letters - enquiry about new rent Physical Object
H2-208.203: Baker Letters - regarding: church land. Physical Object
H2-208.204: Baker Letters - regarding: plan from Mr Dawson Physical Object
H2-208.210: Baker Letters - regarding: Higher Hirst Mill; Milner Fields as a Picture Palace; Glyn Thomas sale; allotment rents; value of Hirst Farm Physical Object
H2-208.230: Baker Letters - dispute over boundary Physical Object