Salt Grammar School


Salt Grammar School
Salt Grammar School
The successor school to the Salt High Schools following the education reforms of 1944. It subsequently became the comprehensive Sir Titus Salt school and is now located just outside Saltaire on the north side of Roberts Park.

Linked resources

Items with "Associated person or organisation: Salt Grammar School"
Title Class
C2a-087: Salts School trip to Roman Wall, Cullercoats Physical Object
C2a-088: Salts School Girl's Hockey Team Physical Object
C2a-089: Salts School Girl's Hockey Team Physical Object
C2a-090: Salts School visit to Shipley Gas Works Physical Object
C2a-091: Salts School Staff Hockey Team Physical Object
C2a-097: Netball team Physical Object
C2a-132a: School tie Physical Object
C2a-132b-c: School tie and badges Physical Object
C2b-032.20: Salts Grammar school pupils and teachers Physical Object
C3b-438: Saltaire village, Documents (Places) Physical Object
E1b-082: Salt Grammar School April 1960 Physical Object
E1b-084: Class of Salt Grammar School Physical Object
E1b-180: Gates of the old Salts Grammar School Physical Object