Type is exactly
business document
2018.36.3: Statement and Scheme for the reconstruction of Sir Titus Salt Bart & Sons LtdA twelve page document, written on behalf of the trustees of the Will of Sir Titus Salt Bart. concerning the financial status of Sir Titus Salt Bart. Sons & Co. Ltd. in 1892, and proposals for it going into voluntary liquidation and of being purchased by a consortium of four local businessmen including James Roberts. This appears to be an official copy of he orignal legal document which is availabe as item 2024.66. Local historian David King provides a detailed description of the document in item A1-125.
2018.36.4: Winding up of Sir Titus Salt, Bart & Co LtdOriginal document written by Wade, Bilbrough, Booth & Co. regarding the winding up of Sir Titus Salt, Bart & Co Ltd and its sale to the Syndicate: Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts
2018.36.5: Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons & Co. Limited Deed of Arrangement
Deed of arrangement between members of the Late Sir Titus Salt's Family and Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts. The document lays out the plans for reconstruction of Salts between members of the Salt family and the Syndicate of four Bradford businessmen who were buying Sir TItus Salt Bart & Co. -
2021.3: Direktoratet for patent - og Varemoerkevoesenet
Record of registration of Belwarp name and logo at the international Patents Bureau, Copenhagen in Denmark in 1906 under the name of Sit Titus Salt, Bart, Sons & Company Ltd and records any subsequent updates up to 1926. Document headed : 'Rongeriget Danmark' with 'Belwarp' image pasted onto the page. Reverse side includes typed numbered list including: 1. registree's name and address: 'Sir Titus Salt Baronet, Sons and Company Limited, Fabrikanter, Saltaireved Bradford,England. 2. the overseas registrar's name and address 3. date of original registration in the ledger: 2 January 1906 4. description of the trademark 5. the types of business for which the trademark is registered 6. further remarks The trademark was registered in Lodon on 11 February 1897.The Danish registration was in January 1906 and was renewed in 1912. The company name was changed to Salts (Saltaire) Ltd recorded on 12 January 1926. -
2021.4.7.4: Collection of deeds
A company search by Jordans Information Bureau Ltd. for Glyn Thomas and Co. dated 11/01/1971 -
2022.18: Share certificate of the Bradford Cemetery Company
Share certificate for the Bradford Cemetery Company in the name of Titus Salt of Crow Nest (Halifax). Face value of three pounds and sixpence. Dated May 1852. -
2024.65: Memorandum and suggestions 1883Original paper, handwritten document relating to the Salt family business. The memorandum suggests an arrangement for the setting up of a fund out of the income and profits of Sir Titus Salt, Bart. and Sons Co. Ltd. The fund is designed to to pay for various liabilities on the compnay and its directors and also to provide a regular income for the share and debenture holders (largely the Salt family). A detailed intepretation of the document by local historian David King is available in item A1-125.
2024.66: Statement and scheme for reconstructionOriginal paper handwritten document relating to the Salt family business. The document sets out the details of the proposed takeover of Salts Mill and Saltaire village by a consortium of four Bradford businessmen: Isaac Smith, John Rhodes, John Maddocks and James Roberts. The document outlines the will of the the late Sir Titus Salt, describes the capital structure of Sir Titus Salt Bart. Sons and Co. Ltd. It also the describes the incorporation of the firm as a limited company and its recent decision to apply for voluntary liquidation. It finally outlines the proposed takeover by the consortium. A detailed intepretation of the document by local historian David King is available in item A1-125. A copy, typewritten version of the same document is available in the Denys Salt Collection as item 2018.36.3
A2-008a: Milner Field, For SaleSale catalogue for the sale of Milner Field Estate, prepared by C.H. Lord - Estate Agent, for sale by Gaunt Foster which did not go ahead as planning permission was not granted. The catalogue includes image of the house both externally and internally at the time of sale, with some images from the Salts family. The details include who the Architect was and who owned the land prior to the Salts. However the Salts family sold the estate in 1903 to James Roberts, but there is no mention of him in in this document. The document looks later in style than the dated 1922 document but further research is requied to establish an accurate date.
A2-028: Salt Family - ResidencesSale catalogue for the sale of Milner Field Estate, prepared by C.H. Lord - Estate Agent, for sale by Gaunt Foster which did not go ahead as planning permission was not granted. The catalogue includes image of the house both externally and internally at the time of sale, with some images from the Salts family. The details include who the Architect was and who owned the land prior to the Salts. However the Salts family sold the estate in 1903 to James Roberts, but there is no mention of him in in this document. The document looks later in style than the dated 1922 document but further research is requied to establish an accurate date. This copy includes image of the inside of one of the gate houses and a newspaper cutting 'Sir Titus Salt - A man of Two statues' taken from the Times and Express April 20th 1966.
A2-058a: Sale catalogue for Milner Field
Original Sale catalogue for Milner Field. On the Frontispiece it states 'Milner Field Estate, Saltaire, Yorkshire. Plans, Particulars & Conditions of Sale of the above estate comprising Freehold Residential Mansion and Grounds, farms, woodlands, building site &c containing approximately three hundred acres. Will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Grate Northern Victoria Hotel, Bridge Street Bradford on Thursday, 12th October 1922 at 3.30pm by A Gadie & Son Auctioneers and Valuers... Bradford. Surveyor: Wm. Illingworth ... Bradford. Solicitor Gaunt Foster & Co ... Bradford. The brochure includes particulars of sale and photographs of the house and grounds (not the farm) with a plan of the house as it was in 1922. -
B1-085: Salts (Saltaire) Ltd advertising leafletAdvertising leaflet. Approximately 60 copies
B1-094: Salts (Saltaire) Ltd Directors Report and Statement of Accounts : 31st March 1931
Salts (Saltaire) Ltd Directors Report and Statement of Accounts : 31st March 1931 -
B1-095: Salts MillSalts (Saltaire) Ltd Directors Report and Statement of Accounts : 31st March 1932
B1-096: Salts MillSalts (Saltaire) Ltd Directors Report and Statement of Accounts : 31st March 1934
B1-097: Salts MillSalts (Saltaire) Ltd Directors Report and Statement of Accounts : 31st March 1935
B1-098: Salts MillSalts (Saltaire) Ltd Directors Report and Statement of Accounts : 31st March 1967
B1-099: Salts MillSalts (Saltaire)Ltd : Notice of Company General Meeting for 28th March 1933
B1-100a-c: Salts MillSalts (Saltaire)Ltd : Report of Company Annual General Meeting for 21st May 1931 (2 copies)
B1-101: Salts MillIllingworth, Morris : Annual Report and Accounts 30th September 1962