Saltaire Collection
Subject is exactly
2018.36.3: Statement and Scheme for the reconstruction of Sir Titus Salt Bart & Sons LtdA twelve page document, written on behalf of the trustees of the Will of Sir Titus Salt Bart. concerning the financial status of Sir Titus Salt Bart. Sons & Co. Ltd. in 1892, and proposals for it going into voluntary liquidation and of being purchased by a consortium of four local businessmen including James Roberts. This appears to be an official copy of he orignal legal document which is availabe as item 2024.66. Local historian David King provides a detailed description of the document in item A1-125.
2024.16: Kelly's Directory of Bradford and Suburbs 1903
A geographical, residential and business directory of Bradford and its suburbs from 1903. Contents are listed as: 1. Bradford topographical 2. Townships added to the city, topographical 3. Suburbs, topographical 4. List of streets 5. Street directory 6. Private residences directory 7. Alphabetical directory 8. Trades and professional directory 9. Official directory The suburbs information includes Shipley (including Shipley), with a description of the Urban District Council, public establishments and schools. -
2024.65: Memorandum and suggestions 1883Original paper, handwritten document relating to the Salt family business. The memorandum suggests an arrangement for the setting up of a fund out of the income and profits of Sir Titus Salt, Bart. and Sons Co. Ltd. The fund is designed to to pay for various liabilities on the compnay and its directors and also to provide a regular income for the share and debenture holders (largely the Salt family). A detailed intepretation of the document by local historian David King is available in item A1-125.
2024.66: Statement and scheme for reconstructionOriginal paper handwritten document relating to the Salt family business. The document sets out the details of the proposed takeover of Salts Mill and Saltaire village by a consortium of four Bradford businessmen: Isaac Smith, John Rhodes, John Maddocks and James Roberts. The document outlines the will of the the late Sir Titus Salt, describes the capital structure of Sir Titus Salt Bart. Sons and Co. Ltd. It also the describes the incorporation of the firm as a limited company and its recent decision to apply for voluntary liquidation. It finally outlines the proposed takeover by the consortium. A detailed intepretation of the document by local historian David King is available in item A1-125. A copy, typewritten version of the same document is available in the Denys Salt Collection as item 2018.36.3
2024.85: Aire Valley Living 2010 Issue 3
A booklet with local information and advertising local businesses. Includes an article entitled 'Saltaire life' about the village of Saltaire. Page 51 has a map of Saltaire. -
2024.96: Saltaire shop front designSaltaire shop front design. An illustrated leaflet about Saltaire shop front design. This leaflet sets out guidelines when considering proposals for shop fronts and signs
2025.1: Black Dyke Mills: A history
A history of the textile industry of Messrs John Foster and Son Limited at Black Dyke Mills in Queensbury, near Bradford. There are introductory chapters on the development of the worsted industry in the nineteenth century. Contains many references to Titus Salt. There is a chapter on 'The trade in alpaca and mohair' that contains information on the competition ánd collaoration with Titus salt on the importation and use of alpaca wool. Contains maps of the Black Dykes Mills complex from 1854 and 1881. There is a single page letter enclosed in the book presenting it from the company of John Foster & Son Limited to 'Mr Hibbert'. -
A1-125: Notes on two doucments relation to Sir Titus Salt Bart Sons & Co. Ltd.Detailed notes on two original documents 'Memorandum and Suggestions',1883 and 'Statement and Scheme for reconstruction', 1892 relating to the Salt family business. The original documents are available as 2024.65 and 2024.66 (with a typewrtitten copy also availalbe at 2018.36.3). Local historian David King gives a detailed interpretation of two key documents in the history of the Salt textile business and Saltaire. The first doucment is a suggestion for a financial reconstruction of Sir TItus Salt Barts. Sons & Co. Ltd to meet its liabilities. The second document describes the status of the company in 1892 when it was facing voluntary liquidation and being bought by a consortium of local businessmen inlcuding James Roberts.
A1-134a-b: Salt familyCopy of 'Memorandum & Suggestions for Sir Titus Salt Bart Sons & Co September 1883. The original document (and more details) are available as item 2024.65.
B1-524: Office message pad
An office pre-printed message pad for taking messages. There are lines for recording the name of a caller or visitor and space for notes. The 'Salts Saltaire' alpaca logo is at the bottom of the pad. The business address, and telephone, telex and telgram numbers are on the bottom border. -
C2a-110: Berry family and their shopBoard of 5 photographs of the Berry family & their grocer's shop at 7, Victoria Road, Saltaire
C2a-110a: Berry family and their shopBoard of 5 photographs of the Berry family & their grocer's shop at 7, Victoria Road, Saltaire
C2a-115: Berry's shopPhotocopied photograph of Berry's shop at 7, Victoria Road
C2a-123: 7 Victoria Road2 Photocopied pages from 'Penny For Going' by Roger Clarke on 7 Victoria Road, 1 laminated
F1a-119: Souvenir brochure for the R.M.S. OrsovaSouvenir brochure for the R.M.S. Orsova sailing to Australia in 1911. Norman Rae was aboard. Rae did his apprenticeship in the woollen trade and went into partnership with William Pickles as Pickles and Rae, woolcombers in Laisterdyke. Rae was a good business man the firm flourished and opened offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane. He even bought some land in Australia and called it Greenhill Farm. Due to this Norman Rae and his wife travelled in Australia regularly.
H2-006: Roberts investment recordsBooklet: Sir James Roberts' Investments and financial records
H2-146: Roberts Newspaper DirectorPhotograph of Sir James Roberts as Director of Sheffield Indpendent Press (Sheffield Daily Independent)