Kendall Collection

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Kendall Collection


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  • 2020.2.1: Harold Kendall in his allotment
    Coloured photograph of Harold Kendall amongst his roses in his allotment in Saltaire. Allotment is located behind Saltaire United Reformed Church, shows Roberts Park in background.
  • 2020.2.10: The Worsted Overlooker's Handbook
    This copy of 'The Worsted Overlooker's Handbook'. shows calculations, rules and tables useful for a worsted overlooker. It has details about Warping, Spinning, Yarns and Weft. Handwritten inscription inside front cover: 'William Gale, Burnside MIll (Swan Hotel), Addingham. Nov. 8th 1905'. The booklet was used by Harold Kendall during his time at Salts Mill
  • 2020.2.11: Handy Reckoner
    This copy of the 'Handy Reckoner' Contains 'Tables of Interest, Income and wages calculations. Percentage tables for profits and discount. Tables of Interest, comparative weights of materials. Tables to calculate wages based on hours worked. The booklet was used by Harold Kendall during his time at Salts Mill
  • 2020.2.12: Cassell's Pocket English Dictionary
    This copy of the 'Cassell's Pocket English Dictionary' has a picture of a Kangaroo on the inside title page. Inside front cover and on the rear fly-leaf is marked 'James Dewarr, 48, Field Street, Shipley
  • 2020.2.13: Notebook used for technical details
    Small paper notebook. Used to make notes regarding textile technical details. Probably copied from a published technical book. Aslo probably used as an aide-memoir diary for some of his work. References to: twists, pulley, cylinders, Knob Yarn, Loop Yarn, Spiral Yarn, Flake Yarn. Changing wheel dimensions etc.
  • 2020.2.14: Textile Department note book
    Shipley Technical School - Textile Department note book. With 'Students Name' 'Harold Kendall' handwritten in ink. This exercise book was used by Harold Kendall while a student at the Technical School, now Shipley College. The book includes notes from his 'Woollen, Worsted and Spinning' classes. In depth notes on: Spinning different wools, yarns and how different breedsof sheep produce different wools. At the end of the book are notes on the personal expenses of Harold Kendall including his expenses on his poultry keeping and his private bank account expenses for April/My 1918.
  • 2020.2.15: Student notebook
    Probably made at Shipley Technical School - Textile Department by Harold Kendall. The notes handwritten in ink on the first page are in the same handwritting as other Harold Kendall notebooks. First page: 'Woollen and Worsted Spinning Notes . Commernced to write these notes Sept 8th 1914. Completed same'. The notes are on 'wool and hair', softness, fineness and length. principles of spinning, spinning frame, twisting and winding yarn, spinning formulae etc.
  • 2020.2.16: School exercise book for Textile department for 1912-1913 session
    Shipley Technical School - Textile Department note book. With'Students Name' 'Harold Kendall' 'Session 1912-1913' 'Subject: 3rd Year Woollen and Worsted Spinning' handwritten in ink. This exercise book was used by Harold Kendall while a student at the Technical School, now Shipley College. The book includes notes from his 'Woollen, Worsted and Spinning' classes. The exercise book icludes notes on: Textile Fabrics, Mineral Fibres, Sketches of rollers, physical properties of wool and other materials, Sketches of machines to clean and wash wool. How different countries climates etc. produce different wools. The quality and use of wools. Sketch maps of the different sheep in different countries, and the different yarns from sheep. Trade terms and names, wool values. 'Gret details for anyone studying the history of wool textile production.'
  • 2020.2.17: School exercise book for Textile department for 1913-1914 session
    Shipley Technical School - Textile Department note book. With 'Students Name' 'Harold Kendall' 'Session 1913-1914' 'Subject: 4th Year Woollen and Worsted Spinning' handwritten in ink. This exercise book was used by Harold Kendall while a student at the Technical School, now Shipley College. The book includes notes from his 'Woollen, Worsted and Spinning' classes. The exercise book icludes notes on: Woollen and Worsted Threads, Carding, Diagrams of spindles and cards in machines, Worsted carding engine details, How to prepare machines to put wool in, How to wash and clean machines, Types of combs to use in machines, Sketch drawings of different textile equipment. 'Great details for anyone studying the history of wool textile production'.
  • 2020.2.18: School exercise book for Textile department 1914-15 session
    Shipley Technical School - Textile Department note book. With 'Students Name' 'Harold Kendall' 'Session 1914-1915' 'Subject: Woollen and Worsted Spinning' handwritten in ink. This exercise book was used by Harold Kendall while a student at the Technical School, now Shipley College. The book includes notes from his 'Woollen, Worsted and Spinning' classes. The exercise book icludes notes on: Drawing, afirst operation after Combing, Extensive notes and drawings of textile machines and parts, Details of production of fine mohair, alpaca and camel hair, and cashmire yarns. 'Great details for anyone studying the history of wool textile production'.
  • 2020.2.19: Certificate for excellence in horticulture
    Certificate awarded to Harold Kendall. 'For Excellence in Horticulture - Award of Merit' Presented by Amateur Gardening. For an 'Exhibition of Flowers Class 41', at Saltaire on September 3rd 1960.
  • 2020.2.2: Harold Kendall in his garden
    Cutting titled: ' Personal Approach to Good Growing' . Shows a photo of Harold Kendall in his garden with his dahlias. The article outlines how Harold 'feeds' his plants to get the best results and outlines how many awards and cups he has worn for his flowers and vegetables
  • 2020.2.20: Certificate for excellence in horticulture
    Certificate awarded to Harold Kendall. 'For Excellence in Horticulture' 'Award of Merit' Presented by Amateur Gardening. For an 'Exhibition of Flowers Class 55', at Saltaire on September 3rdf 1960.
  • 2020.2.3: Award for gardening
    'Award of Merit' presented by 'Amatuer Gardening' dated Sept. 1st 1945. With text: 'This Diploma was Won in the competition at the Shipley District Gardening Show by Harold Kendall for an Exhibition of flowers'.
  • 2020.2.4: Harold and Jean Kendall on a seaside pier
    Photograph shows Harold Kendall and his wife Jean Kendall, strolling on a pier during summer? Harold is wearing a three-piece suit and trilby hat, Jean is wearing a knee-length coat and has bobbed hair
  • 2020.2.5: Harold and Jean Kendall outside a house
    The photograph shows Harold Kendall and his wife Jean, standing outside a house. Harold is wearing a jacket and tie and a woollen cardigan, Jean is wearing a cardigan and blouse with a broach at the neck
  • 2020.2.6: Harold Kendall Collection
    Typed notes titled: 'Our Memories Our History' 'Summary of Interviews: Saltaire' From intervies recorded with Harold Kendall, 6, Katherine Street, Saltaire on 17th November 1983. Interviewee is not idenentified
  • 2020.2.7: St Peter's Church magazine
    The St Peter's Church magazine shows various adverts for local shops and businesses. Also, various articles about St. Peters Church. Also includes: 'Bradford Diocesan News' . Also, under 'Saltaire Memories' an article by by Muriel Long on Harold Kendall and his memories of living in Saltaire. The centre pages consist of a 'Who's Who' of St Peter's Church officials and Services, and a list of church group leaders and organisations.
  • 2020.2.8: The Shipley Times & Express Pictorial
    The 'Shipley Times & Express Pictorial' 1937 booklet was produced as a pictorial record of events in Shipley for 1937. It includes a review of the year. The magazine mainly consists of photographs, with text, on the main events of 1937. This includes the visit to Shipley and Saltaire by King Goerge VI and Queen Elizabeth, along with the street parties and school events to celebrate the Coronation. The magazine also includes photographs of various Shipley personalities, wedding groups and the opening of Hall Royd Methodist Church. The magazine also includes a photograph of Joan Kendall of Katherine Street, Saltaire, for completing 7 years of unbroken school attendance.
  • 2020.2.9: Useful Tables and Formulae for Technical Students
    This 'Useful Tables and Formulae for Technical Students' book consist of: English weights ad measures; Mathematical formulae, Trigonometry; Temperature conversion charts; Definitions of screw threads and Toothed gearing definitions. The booklet was used by Harold Kendall during his time at Shipley Technical School 1913-1915, while he was learning Worsted Spinning.