Holroyd, Abraham


Holroyd, Abraham
Birth and death
Holroyd wrote a history 'Saltaire and its Founder' in 1873 that was contemporary with the building of Saltaire.

Linked resources

Items with "Creator: Holroyd, Abraham"
Title Class
2018.36.1: A Welcome for Prince & Princess of Wales on the visit Bradford, Saltaire and Milner Field Physical Object
2018.36.2: Letter to Mrs Titus Salt about royal visit Physical Object
2022.2: Saltaire And Its Founder by Abraham Holroyd Physical Object
2022.37: Saltaire and its Founder, Sir Titus Salt Bart. by Abraham Holroyd Physical Object
2022.38: Saltaire and its Founder, Sir Titus Salt Bart. by Abraham Holroyd Physical Object
2022.39: Saltaire and its Founder, Sir Titus Salt Bart. by Abraham Holroyd Physical Object
C3b-021: Saltaire and its founder Physical Object
C3b-065: Saltaire and its Founder Physical Object
C3b-127: Saltaire and its Founder Physical Object
Items with "Associated person or organisation: Holroyd, Abraham"
Title Class
F1a-048a-d: Death of Abraham Holroyd Physical Object
F1a-049a-e: Drawing of Abraham Holroyd Physical Object
F1a-050a-b: Abraham Holroyd's gravestone Physical Object
F1a-051: Holroyd Souvenir Physical Object
F1a-052: Holroyd Souvenir Physical Object
