Shipley Urban District Council


Shipley Urban District Council
Dates when active
Shipley Urban District Council was the local authority for the Shipley area, including Saltaire, from 1895. In 1974 it was abolished in a reorganisation of local government and Shipley became administered as part of the City of Bradford Metropolitan Council.
Associated person or organisation

Linked resources

Items with "Creator: Shipley Urban District Council"
Title Class
2021.4.5.6: Collection of deeds Physical Object
B1-356-16: Salts Mill: Morley & Woodhouse Files Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. (Coach Road, Baildon) Physical Object
C3b-132a-c: A Brief History of Saltaire Physical Object
C3b-534: Lavatory in the Royal Cafe Physical Object
D1-136: Leisure - Groups and Societies: Victoria Hall Physical Object
D1-137: Cancellation of Victoria Hall booking for Saltaire Conversazione Physical Object
H2-027: James Roberts election to local council Physical Object
Items with "Publisher: Shipley Urban District Council"
Title Class
E2-027: Shipley Education Week 1925 Physical Object
Items with "Associated person or organisation: Shipley Urban District Council"
Title Class
F1a-189: Shipley Year Book 1955-56 Physical Object
H2-073a,b,e,f: Ceremonial keys presented to Sir James Roberts Physical Object


Catalogue data (excluding media) available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence.