Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts


Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts
Dates when active
Isaac Smith, John Rhodes, John Maddocks and James Roberts were Bradford businessmen who formed a consortium to purchase the business of Sir TItus Salt Bart. and Sons Co. Limited from the Salt family in 1893. They became directors of the company after the purchase. Smith and Maddocks resigned in 1897 and sold their shares to Roberts. Rhodes resigned in 1902 and also sold his shares to Roberts who then remained as sole owner until 1918.
Associated person or organisation

Linked resources

Items with "Associated person or organisation: Messrs Smith, Rhodes, Maddocks and Roberts"
Title Class
2018.36.5: Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons & Co. Limited Deed of Arrangement Physical Object
B1-224a-d: Death of John Rhodes Physical Object
B1-225a-b: Death of John Maddocks Physical Object
B1-226a-h: Death of Isaac Smith Physical Object
Maddocks, John Agent
Rhodes, John Agent
Roberts, James Denby Agent
Roberts, James, Sir Agent
Smith, Isaac Agent


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