Shipley Education Committee


Shipley Education Committee
The local organisation responsible for overseeing the provision of education in the Shipley area, which included Saltaire. Succeeded the Shipley Schools Board.

Linked resources

Items with "Creator: Shipley Education Committee"
Title Class
2019.55.1: Student reports for Ivy Severs Physical Object
E1a-008g: Payments to pupil teachers Physical Object
E1a-060: School attendance sheet Physical Object
E1a-071b-d: Poster asking for donations for school dinners Physical Object
E1b-158: School medical examination note Physical Object
E2-052: George Long appointment letter Physical Object
E2-134a: Poster for opening of School of Art in Saltaire Physical Object
Items with "Publisher: Shipley Education Committee"
Title Class
E1a-008h: Education, Schools (Documents) Physical Object
E1a-065: Shipley Eduction Committee's Voluntary Contributions for Underfed School children in Education Physical Object
E1a-071a: Poster asking for donations for school dinners Physical Object
E2-017a-l: Saltaire Road & Woodend Eveining Institutes Prospectus Physical Object
E2-030: Opening of New Painting and Decorating Department Physical Object
E2-031: New Engineering Department at the Technical Institute Physical Object
E2-032a-i: School prize givings Physical Object
E2-064: Technical School reopening poster Physical Object
E2-133: Poster for Shipley Education Committee 'Re-Opening of the Technical Schools 1920 Physical Object
Items with "Associated person or organisation: Shipley Education Committee"
Title Class
2018.24: Silver Jubilee cup Physical Object
C2a-133a-d: School attaendance card Physical Object
C3a-095: Saltaire village, Documents (People), Personal Memories Boxes Physical Object
E1a-071b-d: Poster asking for donations for school dinners Physical Object
E1a-072a-d: Original poster for Shipley Education Committee Physical Object
E1a-072a,b,c,d: Original poster for Shipley Education Committee Physical Object
E1a-082: 'Jubilee' Book of King George V Physical Object
