2018. Reports of Speeches book, 1909
- Identifier
- 2018.
- Title
- Reports of Speeches book, 1909
- Type
- Date Created
- 1909
- Publisher
- Walkers
- Place created
- Description
A blue notebook containing pasted newspaper cuttings and programmes relating to Isabel Salt's speeches for and about Women's Liberal Associations and women's suffrage. Comprises:
p6. 'Minehead Liberal Association - Conversazione and Meeting. Mr Walter King on current politics', (address by Miss Salt on Licensing Bill and House of Lords), West Somerset Free Press (06.02.1909)
pp7-8. 'Otley Women Liberals. Stirring Speech by Miss Salt. Suffragette sentiments', (address by Miss Salt on Licensing Bill, House of Lords & Votes for Women), Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (12.02.1909)
pp8-9. 'Miss Salt as a Suffragette + Disclaimer by Miss Salt + A Suffragist, not a Suffragette', Wharfedale & Airedale Observer & The Ilkley Free Press, (19.02.1909 & 26.02.1909)
p10. 'Ilkley Women Liberals - House of Lords Question & Women's Suffrage - Speech by Miss Salt', The Ilkley Free Press (19.02.1909)
p11. 'Ilkley Women's Liberal Association - Papers by Mrs W.M. Wade & Miss Salt', (Women's Suffrage), The Ilkley Gazette (20.02.1909)
p12. 'Yorkshire Council of Women's Liberal Associations - Twelfth Annual Conference at Skipton', The Pioneer (26.03.1909)
p13. 'Burley Women Liberals. Address by Miss Salt upon Free Trade', Wharfedale & Airedale Observer & The Ilkley Free Press (02.04.1909)
p14. 'Flyer for Garden Party - Women's Liberal Association - Denton Park' (17.07.1909). 'Otley Division Women Liberals at Denton Park', The Yorkshire Observer (19.07.1909)
pp15-17. 'Advert for & article about Denton Hall Garden Party', Ilkley & Burley Women's Liberal Association (17.07.09); Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (23.07.1909)
pp18-19. 'Garden Party at Denton Park - Gathering of Ilkley and Burley Women Liberals - Pleasure & Politics', The Ilkley Gazette (24.07.1909)
p20. 'Ilkley Women Liberals - Lecture by Mr W.M.Wade on the Budget - Miss Salt in the Chair', Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (undated)
p22. 'Flyer for Baildon Women's Liberal Association - Meeting and Social. Miss Salt speaking.' (05.10.2009)
p23. 'Baildon Women's Association', The Yorkshire Observer (06.10.1909)
pp24-26. 'Liberalism at Baildon - Activity of the Newly-formed Women's Association - Local Leaders on Current Politics', (Miss Salt on Taxation & Tariff Reform), Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (08.10.1909)
p27. 'Burley Congregationalism - Bazaar in Aid of the Church Expenses Fund - Speeches Grave and Gay', (speech by Miss Salt), Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (22.10.1909)
p27. 'Congregational Church Bazaar at Burley-in-Wharfedale', The Yorkshire Observer (19.10.1909) - Subject
- Source
- Gift: Howden, Penny
- Has Format
- image
- Item sets
- Site pages
Linked resources
Title | Class |
2018.9.3.3: Report of speeches book & News cuttings, 1909-1947 & Women's Review Magazine | Collection |

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