Salts (Saltaire) Ltd.


Salts (Saltaire) Ltd.
Dates when active
From 1923, the successor company to Sir Titus Salt Bart. and Sons Co. Ltd. A consortium of businessmen bought the business from Sir James Roberts in 1918. The company was floated on the stock exchange and changed its name in 1923.
Additional information

Linked resources

Items with "Associated person or organisation: Salts (Saltaire) Ltd."
Title Class
B1-032/5/46: Empty room with old machinery (1) Physical Object
B1-032/5/47: Empty room with old machinery (2) Physical Object
B1-032/5/48: Empty room with old machinery (3) Physical Object
B1-032/5/49: Wide room with v shaped roof Physical Object
B1-032/5/50: Long room with columns (2) Physical Object
B1-032/5/51: Empty room with baskets Physical Object
B1-032/5/52: Empty room with baskets (2) Physical Object
B1-032/5/53: Empty room with columns and table Physical Object
B1-032/5/54: Wide room with columns Physical Object
B1-032/5/55: Empty room with benches (2) Physical Object
B1-032/5/56: Empty room with columns and benches Physical Object
B1-061/10: Photographs of Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. mills Physical Object
B1-068: Saltaire Fabrics, Physical Object
B1-082a,c: Salts (Saltaire) Ltd marketing booklet Physical Object
B1-083a-b: Salts (Saltaire) Ltd publicity booklet Physical Object
B1-085: Salts (Saltaire) Ltd advertising leaflet Physical Object
B1-088.1: Saltaire Fabrics, Physical Object
B1-090: 3 Salts (Saltaire) envelopes Physical Object
B1-109: Salts Mill Physical Object
B1-127: Salts Mill Physical Object
B1-140: Salts Mill Physical Object
B1-161a-c: Salts Mill Physical Object
B1-163: Salts Mill Physical Object
B1-165a-c: Salts Mill Physical Object
B1-165d: Salts Mill Physical Object