Byles, Harriet


Byles, Harriet
Byles, Harriet
Birth and death
Harriet Byles first taught at the Salts High School for girls when Medina Griffiths was headmistress. Harriet became the second, and longest-serving, headmistress of the school in 1886.

From what she wrote in her lengthy 'reminiscences', Harriet clearly admired her predecessor and followed Medina's enlightened principles in the education of her students. Her philosophy was that both work and play ‘honestly and heartily done’ was of equal importance. Many of her pupils achieved university places and worthwhile careers.
Associated person or organisation
Griffiths, Medina

Linked resources

Items with "Creator: Byles, Harriet"
Title Class
C3b-424a: The Story of the Salts Girls School for Fifty Years (1876-1926): Reminiscences of Harriet Byles. Head MIstress 1886-1920 Physical Object
E1a-016b: The Story of the Salts Girls School for Fifty Years: Reminiscences of Harriet Byles, Headmistress 1886-1920 Physical Object
Items with "Associated person or organisation: Byles, Harriet"
Title Class
E1a-031a-f: Salts High School and Harriet Byles Physical Object
E1b-061a: Memories of Miss Byles Physical Object
E1b-062: Photograph of Harriet Byles Physical Object
E1b-063b: Harriet Byles with her pony and trap, and letter of thanks Physical Object
E1b-066b: Salts High School staff Physical Object
E1b-067a: Salts High School Staff Physical Object
E1b-080a: Medina Sarah Griffiths & Harriet Byles Physical Object
F1a-177a: Resume of William Byle's Life Physical Object
F1a-178: A Family Tree of the Byles family Physical Object
G1-035: Bradford Maps Physical Object
Griffiths, Medina Agent
