2018.9.2.1: Wills


Wills (copies) and papers relating to the deaths of Isabel's mother Catherine Salt [1925-1930], Isabel's brother Lawrence Salt [1946-1948], and Isabel Salt [1970]. Comprises:
1) Catherine Salt papers, including: will and two codicils (1925-1927), memorandum, and accounts re death (22.1.1930). With references to gifts from Princess of Wales and Princess Beatrice during visits to Milner Field, and a bracelet given on the opening of Crowgill Park being left to Gordon Locksley Salt.

2) Lawrence Salt papers, including contents list of 10a Ovington Gardens, London (1947) and accounts of Trustees of Edward Crossley.

3) Isabel Salt papers, including: accounts from Wheeler John & Sons, Solicitor (April-May 1970) with reference to Mrs Willmott, Edward Crossley's Trust, Denys Salt, and sale of Springwood, Barrow Green Road, Oxted to Mr M.J. Lloyd for £11,000. Also includes estate account for Isabel Salt (total £20,957 15s 6d) with reference to shares held in 'John Crossley Carpet Trades Holding', 'Fairey & Co.', 'General Electric Company', 'F.W. Woolworths & Co.' and 'Daily Mail and General Trust'. The papers don't include a copy of her will.
Gift: Howden, Penny

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Items with "Has Part: 2018.9.2.1: Wills"
Title Class
2018.9.2: Finance and legal documents Collection