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Bath and Wash House, Saltaire, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Titus Salt built the Bath and Wash houses in 1863 at a cost of £7000 (over £600,000 today). These housed 24 baths, 12 each for men and women and a Turkish bath. A warm bath would cost 6d. and a cold one 3d. The wash house contained everything people would need to wash and dry their clothes: 48 washing, rinsing and steam tubs, 48 drying closets, a steam dryer and mangles, meaning clothes could be cleaned and dried in under 1 hour. As in the rest of the North of England, the Bath and Wash Houses did not prove popular. People preferred to bathe in the privacy of their own homes and wash clothes in their own kitchen where they could also complete other tasks. The buildings were converted into houses in the late 1800s before being completely demolished in 1936. Today, a community garden has been planted on the site, following consultation with residents in 2011. -
C3b-046.2: Drawings for the Bath and Wash house
Original architects drawings for the Bath and Wash house, which was located on Caroline Street. This is the plan for a cross section of the building showing the plumbing, windows and giving an indication of the shape of the building. -
C3b-046.3: Drawings for the Bath and Wash house
Original Architects drawings for the Bath and Wash house, which was located on Caroline Street. These plans are for the basement of the building, anotated 43, approved 1862 January 31st, Jo Thompson Clerk. -
C3b-046.2.2: Drawings for the Bath and Wash houseLaminated copy of Original Architects drawings for the Bath and Wash house, which was located on Caroline Street. This is the plan for a cross section of the building showing the plumbing, windows and giving an indication of the shape of the building.
2020.6.2: Saltaire Overlookers 1830-1914
'Saltaire Overlookers 1830-1914' by Roger Clarke, with contributions by Colin Coates: Includes items relating to individual overlookers and the social life of overlookers -
B1-333e: Titus Salts Bath & WashousesCopy of the front cover of booklet 'Titus Salts Bath & Washouses'
C1-015: Plan of the bath and wash houseColoured copy of plan of the layout of the Bath and Wash house on Caroline Street, Saltaire, 1862
C1-017: vertical view of the Bath and Wash HouseColoured copy of plan of the vertical view of the Bath and Wash-house on Caroline Street, Saltaire 1862
C3a-092: Saltaire-Wash & Bath-housesPhotocopy of spiral bound booklet 'Saltaire-Wash & Bath-houses' with drawings by Percy W. Price
C3b-046.1: Bath and Wash house, containing enevelopeEnvelope which contained the original Architects drawings for the Bath and Wash house, which was adressed to Sir Titus Salt - now empty
C3b-046.3.2: Drawings for the Bath and Wash houseLaminated copy of Original Architects drawings for the Bath and Wash house, which was located on Caroline Street. These plans are for the basement of the building, anotated 43, approved 1862 January 31st, Jo Thompson Clerk.
C1-016a-b: Saltaire village - Maps & Plans2 Black and White copies of plan of the layout of the Bath & Wash-house 1862
C1-018a-c: Saltaire village - Maps & Plans3 Black and White copies of plan of the vertical view of the Bath & Wash-house 1862
C2b-102/18/1: Saltaire washouse (1)
Saltaire washouse (1). One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-102/18/2: Saltaire washouse (2)
Saltaire washouse (2). One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C3b-025: Saltaire village, Documents (Places)A letter from No.6 Bath Houses, Edward Street.
C3b-026: Saltaire village, Documents (Places)A letter from No.6 Bath Houses, Edward Street
C3b-047.2: Wash-house conversion plans - ground floor and cellar
Large scale architect's drawing to show the plans for the conversion of the Wash-house on Caroline Street, Saltaire into houses. -
C3b-047.3: Wash-house conversion plans - exterior views
Large scale architect's drawing to show the plans for the conversion of the Wash-house into ten dwelling houses. This plan has several different views of the exterior of the building.Addressed to Sir Titus Salt Bart.Sons & Co Ltd. -
2018. Loose news cuttings, 1905-1915Loose press cuttings kept by Isabel Salt, 1905-1915. Comprises: - 'Burley Women Liberals - Annual Meeting' (29.10.1909) - 'Saltaire Hospital Re-opening', The Yorkshire Post (03.11.1909) - 'The Saltaire Hospital - Re-opening After Extension', The Yorkshire Observer (03.11.1909) - 'Saltaire Hospital - Re-opening Ceremony', Times & Express (05.11.1909) - Saltaire Hospital - Re-opening Ceremonial by Mrs Salt of Denton Hall, Ilkley Free Press (Nov 1909) - Minehead Liberal Association - Conversazione and Meeting (with address by Miss Salt on the licensing Bill) (1909) - Ilkley Women Liberals - Lecture by Mr WM Wade on the Budget - Miss Salt in the chair, Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (1909-10) - Flyer for Poole Women's Liberal Association Public Meeting. Address by Miss Salt (02.12.1909) - 'The Liberal Campaign - meeting. Miss Salt speaker', The Bath Herald (03.01.1910) - 'Liberal Meeting', with speech by Isabel Salt, The Wiltshire Times (08.01.1910) - 'Shipley Women Liberals - Address by Miss Salt', Times & Express (11.11.1910) - Liberal Women and the Vote - Four points of View Presented at Otley. Miss Salt & Adult Suffrage,Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (1910) - Ilkley PSA Bazaar - Excellent Effort in the Wesleyan Assembly Hall - Miss Salt's Encouragement, (Mar/Apr 1911) - 'Yorkshire Women Liberals Conference', The Yorkshire Observer (05.04.1911) -'Wisdom While You Wait' (including quote from Miss Salt), The Morning Leader, London (06.04.1911) - 'Liberal Conference at Yeadon', The Ilkley Free Press & Addingham Courier (07.04.1911) - 'Wharfedale Board of Guardians - Salary Question Discussed', [The Ilkely Free Press & Addingham Courier] ([7].04.1911) - Good Citizenship - Address by Miss Salt - PSA Meeting, Ilkley (30.4.1911) - 3 items - 'Denton - Change of Tenancy of the Hall', The Ilkley Gazette (06.05.1911) - 2 items - Flyer for Outdoor Gathering, Ipswich Women's Liberal Association, address by Isabel Salt (20.07.1911) - Coronation Gift to Queen Mary (Miss Salt organiser for Central Wharfedale) (1911) - Miss Salt at the PSA (address on Thoughts & Actions) (1911-1912) - Menston Women Liberals. Address by Miss Salt on Home Rule, Welsh Disestablishment & Revision of Electoral System (2.2.1912) - 'Otley Women Liberals - Miss Salt's Views of the Coal Crisis & Disestablishment - address by Miss Salt', [Wharfedale Observer] [08.03.1912] - 'The Deeper Side of the White Slave Traffic Problem', letter to the editor from Isabel Salt, [Ilkley Free Press] [29.11.1912] (2 items) - Address by Miss Salt at PSA Sunday Service on 'On Helping one another', Ilkley Free Press (1912) - 'Facing the Future' - Isabel addressed the Huddersfield Women's Liberal Association - undated - Letter head for Yorkshire Council of Women's Libeal Association (1914) - Letter from Yorkshire Council of Women's Liberal Associations re meeting in Leeds (16.06.1915) - Programme for Annual Meeting of Yorkshire Council of Women's Liberal Associations, Leeds (chaired by Miss Salt) (18.10.1915) - 'Women Liberals. Yorkshire Associations conference in Leeds', Yorkshire Evening News & Agenda (18.10.1915) - 2 items - 'Women and War Problems - Prospects of a Sex Conflict', Leeds Mercury (19.10.1915) - 'Women Discuss War-time Economies' (article re Yorkshire Council of Women's Liberal Associations meeting in Leeds), 'Miss Salt elected as President', Daily News & Leader (19.10.1915) - 'Yorkshire Women Liberals - Meeting in Leeds - Solving the Problems of War-time' (annual meeting of the Yorkshire Council of Women's Liberal Associations - Miss Salt president), The Yorkshire Observer (19.10.1915) - 'Yorkshire Women Liberals. Discussion of War Topics at Annual Meeting', The Yorkshire Post (19.10.1915) - Yorkshire Women Liberals - Discussion of war topics at annual meeting - Threat of a sex war in industry - The Yorkshire Post (19.10.1915) - Otley Division Woman's Liberals: The Voluntary Spirit & True Patriotism. Address by Miss Salt on 'What Women can do for the Race', Yorkshoire Observer (24.11.1915) - Readers Views - The War & After -Harrogate & Caro Times (31 Dec 1915) - 7 items
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