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2022.74: Saltaire's Allotments: A second draft of their history
A history of the various allotments in Saltaire researched by Les Brook with major contributions from Colin Coates and James Roberts. A detailed history of the provision and use of allotments in Saltaire, including many changes to their extent and location. -
2019.4.3: Exhibition medals
Exhibition medals from the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition one with an image of Queen Victoria and another with the Saltaire Crest. Stored in a purple box with signs of wear. One medal has an image of Queen Victoria bordered by a floral wreath pattern and includes the text 'The Royal Yorkshire Jubilee - Exhibition - Saltaire 1887' around the edge. The other medal has an image of the Saltaire crest with the text 'Registered common seal of the governors of the salt schools shipley' around the edge of the medal. -
Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition
During the 1880s there was an increased demand for school places in Saltaire. A new School of Art and Science was built on the edge of Saltaire, behind Victoria Hall on what is now Exhibition Road. To help pay for the costs, Titus Salt Junior proposed a major exhibition that would also be a memorial to his late father Sir Titus Salt. The exhibition was held in 1887, and named the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition to also celebrate the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria. The exhibition was opened by one of Victoria's children, Princess Beatrice of Battenburg. Unfortunately, the exhibition failed to meet its costs and that of the new school. -
D3-117: Chinese Sculpture
Chinese stone sculpture found during the excavations prior to building the greenhouses for Shipley College Gardens and horticulture students. It is believed that the sculpture was part of a Japanese Village which was part of the in the 1887 Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition. It is a Taoist scuplture depicting several deities, accourding to a letter from the Deputy Keeper of Ceramics in the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1968. From the left the deities are the Ch'ang the Moon Queen, Ch'ih-chang the Sun King, Shou Lau the God of Longevity with his deer and the central figure is Fu Hsing or Lu Hsingthe God of happiness or weath. -
2024.33: Salt before Saltaire
A research document from local historian Les Brook on the history of Sir Titus Salt before the move of his business to Saltaire in 1853. In four parts: Part 1: The investigation starts with snippets of evidence […in Part 2 onwards, I try to make sense of these] 3 Part 2: The Salts’ Early Years in Bradford 12 Part 3: Titus Salt’s Bradford mills 16 Part 4: A Cartographic Summary of Titus Salt’s Bradford before Saltaire -
A3-040.1: Commemorative Programme to Celebrate the Opening of the Refurbished Exhibition Building by HRH The Princess Royal January 11th 1996
A copy of a, 'Commemorative Programme to Celebrate the Opening of the Refurbished Exhibition Building by HRH The Princess Royal (Princess Anne) January 11th 1996'. The booklet includes a Forward (Jean McAllister, Principle), A History of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition at Saltaire -1887 (by Ian Watson and Dorothy Sharpe), A Chronology of the planning of the Exhibition, Titus Salt Junior, Adaptations to the Art and Science Schools; The Developing College and the college today. -
2018.3.16.2: Inside a building of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee exhibition 1887
Portrait photograph of inside one of the exhibition buildings, the room is open to the ceiling with windows reminiscent of the top floor of Salts Mill. The exhibit includes a clock and ceramics. This was part of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition in 1887, which was opened by Princess Beatrice. -
2018.2: 1887 Jubilee Exhibition medallion
On the front: picture of Victoria Hall, surrounded by the words 'The Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition' with '1887' at the base. On the reverse: Head of Queen Victoria. -
2022.1: Royal Yorkshire Exhibition 'Saltaire 1887' silk scarf
Silk scarf printed with 'Royal Yorkshire Exhibition 'Saltaire 1887' surrounding the Salt Coat of Arms, multiple times -
2019.46.21: Main hall of Exhibition Road building
Two black and white photographs (16.7cmx12.1cm) showing the main hall of Exhibition Road building showing the balcony. Marked 'A.Anderson' on reverse. -
Exhibition Building, Saltaire, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
The Exhibition Building opened in 1887, built by Titus Salt Junior, Sir Titus’s youngest son, in memory of his father. The building costs were supposed to be covered by the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee held in Saltaire in 1887, but this failed to raise the required sum. The Exhibition Building was built to house the School of Art and Science. This quickly became Shipley Technical School (incorporating the School of Art). These schools eventually went on to become Shipley College, a further education college and important institution in Saltaire today which occupies several of the original buildings. The Saltaire Collection is housed inside the Exhibition Building and can be visited by appointment. -
2018.3.17: The Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition, Saltaire 1887, Programme of the Proceedings on the opening of the Exhibition Programme by the Royal Highness the Princess Beatrice in the Queens Name and by her Majesties command.Original Programme for the opening of the Royal Jubilee Exhibition. The programme includes a short history of the exhibition and the words to a song, 'Great Britain's Sons and Daughters, by Joseph C Bridge.
2018.3.16.1: Triumphal Arch in Victoria Road for the Opening of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition
Photograph of the Triumphal Arch in Victoria Road for the Opening of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition. The Arch is covered in foliage, with 'Welcome to Saltaire' and the arch is topped with Angora Goats. This was part of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition in 1887, which was opened by Princess Beatrice. -
2018.5: Saltaire 1887 Exhibition tin box
Souvenir tin of the Saltaire Exhibition in 1887. There is no information in regards to what the contents of the tin was. Both the top and bottom are decorated, the paper label on top has become faded. -
C2b-102/14/2: 1887 exhibition site
1887 exhibition site. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-102/14/4: Opening of the exhibition
Opening of the exhibition. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-102/14/5: Exhibition medals
Exhibition medals. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
E1a-062: Letter to school governors about the Royal Yorkshire Jubillee Exhibition
Transcribed extract from a letter by William Fry to the Salts Schools Governors regarding the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition and the need to clear the debt of the building of the new School of Art and Science in Saltaire -
E2b-027: Shipley College Exhibition Building
Photograph of the Exhibition Building of Shipley College from the 1970s. The front of the bulding on Exhibition Road is shown -
A3-040.2: Commemorative Programme to Celebrate the Opening of the Refurbished Exhibition Building by HRH The Princess Royal January 11th 1996A copy of a, 'Commemorative Programme to Celebrate the Opening of the Refurbished Exhibition Building by HRH The Princess Royal Princess Anne) January 11th 1996'. The booklet includes a Forward (Jean McAllister, Principle), A History of the Royal Yorkshire Jubilee Exhibition at Saltaire -1887 (by Ian Watson and Dorothy Sharpe), A Chronology of the planning of the Exhibition, Titus Salt Junior, Adaptations to the Art and Science Schools; The Developing College and the college today.
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