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roberts park
2024.10: Sir James Roberts leaves Saltaire (The land disposals of Sir James Roberts)
Document describing the land holdings of Sir James Roberts in Saltaire and nearby Milner Field following his sale of the Salts textile business in 1918. The research is based mainly on letters exchanged between Sir James Roberts and his representative in Saltaire, John Baker. -
2022.74: Saltaire's Allotments: A second draft of their history
A history of the various allotments in Saltaire researched by Les Brook with major contributions from Colin Coates and James Roberts. A detailed history of the provision and use of allotments in Saltaire, including many changes to their extent and location. -
C3b-272a-b: The Land Acquisitions of Titus Salt in Shipley & Baildon
2 copies of booklet: 'The Land Acquisitions of Titus Salt in Shipley & Baildon' by Ian Watson -
2020.6.2: Saltaire Overlookers 1830-1914
'Saltaire Overlookers 1830-1914' by Roger Clarke, with contributions by Colin Coates: Includes items relating to individual overlookers and the social life of overlookers -
Roberts Park, Saltaire, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Originally named Saltaire Park, the 14 acre space opened in 1871 and was free for anyone to enjoy. However, there were strict rules enforced in the park. Among other things, political and religious demonstrations were banned, as were wheeled vehicles and unaccompanied children under 8. By the early twentieth century Salts Mill and Saltaire were owned by Sir James Roberts, Roberts retired in 1918 and in 1920 gifted the park to Bradford Corporation for public use. At the same time, the part was renamed Roberts Park in memory of James's deceased son, Bertram Foster Roberts.. The park was originally reached by a bridge from the end of Victoria Road, over the valley to what is now the West entrance, at the lodge. This bridge had to be demolished after World War II, due to damage caused by tanks crossing to use the area for manoeuvres. -
C2b-240: Jamie Roberts visit with alpacas
Album of photographs of Jamie Roberts' visit to Saltaire with his alpacas on 6th August 2013. Jamie Roberts is a decendant of Sir James Roberts -
H2-116: Commemoration plaque for Roberts Park
Photograph of the plaque on the presenting of Saltaire Park to the Borough of Bradford by James Roberts. The plaque commemorates Sir James's son Bertram Foster Roberts who had died in 1912. -
H2-177a,c: James Denby Roberts opened New Cricket Pavilion given by Sir James Roberts
Article and photograph from the Yorkshire Observer newspaper of Sir James Roberts with grandchildren at the opening of the Saltaire Park Cricket Pavillion, May 1914. Sir James is pictured between Percy Illingworth MP, the Chief Government Whip and MP for Shipley, and Mr R Brook. Sir James Roberts had funded the building of the pavillion. -
C2b-032: Saltaire Images of Places
Collection of 26 photographs and postcards relating to Saltaire.Subjects include: Saltaire Picture House, Roberts Park, trams, various leisure activities. -
C2b-102/11/16: Rose cottage Roberts park (122)
Rose cottage Roberts park (122). One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-102/11/17: Rose cottage Roberts park (123)
Rose cottage Roberts park (123). One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-102/11/18: Roberts Park etching
Roberts Park etching. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
C2b-102/11/19: Bandstand Roberts Park
Bandstand Roberts Park. One of a collection of Slides relating to Saltaire compiled by Albert Bowtell. -
D3-083: Roberts Park promenade
Photograph of Roberts Park. Shows the main promenade with children on the canon by the bandstand. -
C2b-032.13: Bandstand in Roberts Park in Slataire
Postcard showing the bandstand, canons and statue of Sir Titus Salt in Roberts Park. -
C2b-032.15: Bandstand in Roberts Park, Saltaire
Postcard showing the bandstand, canons and statue of Sir Titus Salt in Roberts Park. -
C2b-032.22: Roberts Park, Saltaire
Photograph showing lots of people in Roberts Park, with 'A Happy New Year' printed above. -
C2b-032.26: Lodge house in Roberts Park, and an almshouse in Saltaire
Postcard showing two colour photographs. One is the lodge house in Roberts Park and the other is one of the almshouses in Alexandra Square. Both photos are showing the large hydrangeas in bloom. -
C2b-032.4: Roberts Park lodge house
Photograph of Roberts Park lodge house, Saltaire. Shows gates to Coach Road on right.Two men stand in front of the lodge. -
2024.31.5: Roberts Park, home of Saltaire Cricket Club in 1916
Roberts Park, home of Saltaire Cricket Club in 1916 1 of a set of 12 photographs from the collections of the Saltaire Village Society and the Saltaire Traders' Association
Catalogue data (excluding media) available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence.