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salts mill
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B1-351-3: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Walker Crosswell & Co. Water Mixing Valve Brochure. With covering letter
B1-351-30: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Letter & form from Shipley Urban District Council re.Notice if Approval of Plan for alterations to lavatories
B1-351-31: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Letters from Thomas Obank re. floor tiles for lavatories
B1-351-32: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Letter to Mr Keighley re. cleaning crystals the floors of the new lavatories
B1-351-34: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Shipley Urban District Council notice of approval for alterations to lavatories
B1-351-35: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Brochure for 'COX' Water heaters
B1-351-5: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Ministry of Works : Application for building licence
B1-351-6: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Walker Crosswell & Co. Leonard Valve Brochure. With covering letter
B1-351-7: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
Sketch drawings of building with window
B1-351-9: Salts Mill Morley & Woodhouse Files: Messrs Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Lavatory alterations (1947-1951)
The Leeds Fireclay Co.Ltd. : Quotes and brochure for lavatory fittings
B1-194a: Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool
1 original wallet (with tickets for train and entertainment ) for Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool 26th June 1953
B1-194b: Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool
A wallet containing a leaflet, rail ticket (green), passes for the Black Pool Tower, the Pleasure Beach and Olympia Blackpool and information leaflet for the Blackpool Opera House for Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool 26th June 1953.
B1-194c: Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool
1 original wallet (with tickets for train and entertainment ) for Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool 26th June 1953
B1-195a-b: Salts Mill
2 Photocopy of covers of wallet for Salts mill centenary trip to Blackpool
B1-288a-k: Salts Mill - General
11 photographs of the Salts Mill Centenary trip to Blackpool 1953
B1-317a-b: Salts Mill
Photograph of Salts mill staff going on the centenary train to Blackpool + 1 laminated copy
B1-428a-b: Salts Mill
2 photos of Salts Mill staff at a Blackpool Theatre
B1-429: Salts Mill
Photograph of Salts Mill ladies on the train to Blackpool
B1-503: Salts Mill
Photocopy of 2 photographs of Salts Mill employees on Blackpool trio
B1-165a-c: Salts Mill
3 Christmas cards from the Directors of Salts (Saltaire) showing an early mill print
of 112
361–380 of 2240