News cutting on Donald Hanson, the chair and chief executive of Illingworth, Morris and Company, the last owners of Salts Mill as a working textile business.
Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows a covered passage connecting the original mill building (left) with an extension building (right). There are some red fire buckets on the left wall, a slope leading to the building on the left, a bench in the middle and piles of wood to the right.
Coloured photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows a covered passage connecting the original mill building (left) with an extension building (right). There are some red fire buckets on the left wall, a slope leading to the building on the left, a bench in the middle and piles of wood to the right.
An editrion of the Journal of the Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society. Contains mention of Salts Mill Records c.1920s to 1980s and the acquisition of the mill by Jonathan Silver