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salts mill
B1-220a-m: On the Construction of Fire-proof WarehousesExtract from 'On the Construction of Fire-proof Warehouses' by William Fairbairn. Fairbairn was the chief engineer employed by Titus Salt when designing Salts Mill.
B1-266: Steam bargePhotograph of Steam Barge towing fly boats at Salts Mill 1936
B1-281a: Deed for reconstructionCopy of the Deed of arrangement for the reconstruction of Salts Mill 1893
B1-330: Jonathan SilverFolder of items on Jonathan Silver. Silver was the local entrepreneur who purchased Salts Mill in the 1980s and redeveloped it as a business and leisure enterprise.
B1-333d: Advertisement for SaltaireCopy of coloured advertisement of Salts Mill labelled 'Saltaire'
B1-419: 'Boom Time (at Filtronics)' 23rd April 1999Telegraph and Argus article on Filtronics, an electronics company based in Salts Mill
B1-420: Aerial photograph of 'Firms based in the Saltaire Mills Complex'Telegraph and Argus article on Salts Mill
D1-105: Three NursesPhotocopy of a poster for a perfomance and concert: 'Three Nurses' by Hattie Townsend - Performed at The Cafe into the Opera, Salts Mill-15th September 2015
F1a-007a-b: Death of William Fairbairn2 photocopies of newspaper article on the death of William Fairbairn, the leading nineteenth century who helped design Salts Mill.
B1-032/3/27: Empty room with columns and benchesColour photograph taken after the mill had closed odwn. It shows an empty room with columns and tables. A blue coloured wall is to the right of the photograph.
B1-032/3/28: Empty room with columns and tablesColour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows a number of tables gathered together at the rear of the room. A white coloured table is in front of the group with an upside down brown table in the front of that.
B1-032/3/29: Empty room with benches (1)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows a close up of a white bench with 8 plug sockets and 5 overhead lights.
B1-032/3/30: Empty room with benches (2)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows benches against 3 windows. On the first stands a bottle with 2 boxes visible on the third.
B1-032/3/32: Empty room with columns (1)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows an empty room with a number of columns.
B1-032/3/33: Empty room with loom rackColour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows an empty room with columns. In the centre stands a loom rack, four tiers high. To the rear are tow blue doors.
B1-032/3/34: Empty room with columns (2)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. It shows an empty room with columns. A blue door is at the rear of the room.
B1-032/3/35: Empty room with old machinery (1)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. Machinery is piled together at the front of the photograph. It shows a pattern loom with a Jacquard attachment.
B1-032/3/36: Empty room with old machinery (2)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down. Machinery is piled together in the middle of the room. It shows a pattern loom with a Jacquard attachment. There is a blue door at the rear of the buiding.
B1-032/3/37: Long room with columns (1)Colour photograph taken after the mill had closed down showing an empty room with columns to the right.
B1-032/3/38: Wide room with columnsColour photograph taken after the mill had closed down showing an empty room with columns. To the top of the photograph is an orange beam.