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salts mill
B1-032/4/29: Weaving 3Photograph shows weaving shed from above. A lampshade is visible in the centre front of the photograph with a line of others behind it. Some bobbins full of thread are to the left of the lampshades
B1-032/4/30: Weaving (4)Photograph shows a weaving shed covered in bunting. To the right of the picture are some coat hooks. On the back of the photograph are the words ' 'Telegraph' photograph copyright'
B1-032/4/31: Weaving (5)Close up of a weaving machine with dark coloured cloth and dark coloured yarn on bobbins on the right hand side of the machine
B1-032/4/32: Hank windingPhotograph shows close ups of four workers standing among machines. There are 6 cupboards containing yarn. The cupboard in the foreground is piled with bobbins. There are 4 baskets to the right of the picture. The back of the photograph says ' A corner of a meeting room'
B1-032/4/33: FinishingPhotograph shows finishing machinery. On the left hand side a man stands behind a small machine with a group of four men behind him. To the right stands a manwith his left arm behind his back.
B1-032/4/34: Burling and mendingPhotograph shows a number of burling and mending tables with a large pile of grey pieces (unfinished cloth) in the foreground. The room is decorated with bunting and decorations
B1-032/4/36: Dyeing (2)The photograph shows a male worker standing to the left of the picture behind a table piled with two different types of coloured cloth. A piece of cloth is suspended over his head. A group of men are in the background
B1-032/4/37: Finishing and washingPhotograph shows the finishing room with two men holding a length of white cloth. There is another pile of white cloth to the left of the photograph. To the right is a truck containing coloured cloth with a step ladder behind it
B1-032/4/38: Packing and despatch (1)Photograph shows a number of men packing yarn. There is a man in the centre of the photograph with his foot on a wheeled trolley with two bales of yarn in front. Behind him are two men leaning on a crate. To the left of the photo is a suited man watching the proceedings. He is standing beneath a clock.
B1-032/4/39: Packing and despatch (2)Photograph shows piles of cloth both packed and unpacked. There are six packages to the left of the photograph with six piles of unwrapped cloth in the middle. A man stands to the left of some hats and coats with 3 dark suited men behind him and another man behind a table holding some cloth.
B1-032/4/3a: Wool sorting (2)Photograph shows a number of men standing in front of windows sorting wool. There are a number of baskets containing fleece with one in the centre of the room piled high. To the right are a number of sacks with two empty wicker baskets in front of them.
B1-032/4/3b: Wool sorting (2)Photograph shows a number of men standing by windows wool sorting. To the rear of the photograph are two men holding hand trolleys. There are a number of wicker baskets and sacks containing fleece.
B1-032/4/4: Wool scouringRoom containing wool scouring machinery. A man is sitting on a small step ladder at the front of the photograph. To the rear are three men standing in front of machinery.
B1-032/4/5: Wool washingPhotograph shows a room filled with wool washing machinery. A chain hangs down on the left hand side of the image. Some fleece has been added to the machine with a basket positioned below.
B1-032/4/6: Yarn scouringA close up of a yarn scouring machine, with seven rollers at the top.
B1-032/4/7: Carding (1)Hopper Feed on right of photo full of scoured wool going into the carding engine
B1-032/4/8: Carding (2)photograph shows the doffing end of worsted carding engine. A smaller machine is visible to the left.
B1-032/4/9: Carding (3)Room containing 3 carding machines in combing shed. Doffing (delivery end) of card.
B1-032/5/16: Steam turbine (1)Steam turbine 1 is to the right of the photograph. A clock shows the time is 11.10am. The turbine is named after 'Mary', one of Sir james Roberts granddaughters
B1-032/5/17: Steam turbine (2)Photograph shows a man in a light coloured jacket behind a steam turbine. He has his right arm raised. The room is highly deorated with wooden panelling. A ceiling light hangs to the right of the photograph