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salts mill
2019.36: Sir Titus Salt. Baronet: His Life and its Lessons.Biography of Sir Titus Salt written by his friend and associate Reverend Robert Balgarnie who was Minister of South Cliff Church, Scarborough. The book has 20 chapters and includes 4 illustrations, including one of Crow's Nest Lightcliffe and of the Manor House in Morley where Sir Titus was born.
B1-411: 'Worth its Salt' + 'Will Council Learn From the Past' 15th December 2001Telegraph and Argus article
Milner, DorisDoris was born in Saltaire, around 1912. Her family lived in Constance Street and she attended Albert Road School. Doris married a man who farmed at the site now occupied by Buttershaw School. Doris's father and grandfather both worked in Salts Mill. Doris had a great love for Saltaire and still kept her interest in the area until she died in 2006. Doris kindly donated a collection of 6 books she had received as prizes from the Saltaire Congregational Church for attending Sunday School.
Saltaire Arts TrailSaltaire Arts Trail is a community arts event sually held every year in May. The Trail presents artworks from both emerging and established artists in venues throughout Saltaire, including private residences as well as Salts Mill, public buildings and outdoor spaces.
B1-468: Museums in SaltaireCollection of Telegraph & Argus cuttings on the planned museums in Salts Mill
2022.59: Saltaire - A Sketch HistoryAn original copy of the 1898 version of 'Saltaire - A Sketch' with a 'Brief Description of its origin and Later Developments'. Illustrated with original photographs. This is a copy directed at the United States and is priced at 25 cents.
C3b-261: Saltaire - A Sketch HistoryCopy of booklet: 'Saltaire - A Sketch History, with a brief Description of its origin and Later Developments. This is the USA Edition, sold to promote the business in America.
B1-423: Satellite dishes in SaltaireTelegraph & Argus cutting regarding Satellite dishes in Saltaire (15th May 1990)
2019.62: With the Complements of the Telegraph & ArgusA pack of 5 prints of drawings of: Saltaire Mills; Riddlesden Hall; Raggalans Inn, Queensbury; The Alhambra Theatre; Bradford; Bingley Church
2019.9.2.2: Town planShowing the town and works of Saltaire and Saltaire Park. From an original plan by Lockwood and Mawson c.1870. The park was under construction in 1870, but was always part of the Lockwood and Mawsons plan for the Town, so this may be a plan for the future or it may be to show the completed work. The corner site at the west end of Gordon Terrace is not yet developed. This site was bought by Sir Titus in 1874.
A1-011a: Sir Titus Salt's subscription for seats on opening of Royal Albert HallDocuments relating to Sir Titus Salt's subscription for seats on opening of Royal Albert Hall 29th March 1871. The seats were 'to be endowed for the use of his firm and persons employed at Saltaire when they came to London'. Information from the Royal Albert Hall.
C2b-380f: Saltaire village Images (Places)Photograph taken on the top of Salts Mill Chimney - Looking down on the Congregational Church & the allotments
C3b-573: Timeline for The Dining Hall - parts 1 - 1855-1864Timeline for 'The Dining Hall - parts 1 - 1855-1864
F1a-039: York CastleA book about the history of York Castle by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. In his biography of Titus Salt, the Reverend Balgarnie quotes his subject as saying ' “I am in for a carriage or a castle'. Balgarnie explains: 'What he meant by the remark was that in the event of failure in his new enterprise [Salts Mill], he might, perhaps, be compelled to take up his abode in York Castle'.
H2-208.2: Baker Letter 1918-1922 - Photocopies of originalsJohn Baker's record of gardeners who had recieved their salary dated from 08.02.1918 to 31.05.1918.
2018.3: Denys Salt CollectionCollection donated by Denys Salt who was the great-great grandson of Sir Titus Salt. The collection is different to the Isabel Salt collection as it a family archive of items passed to Denys. It includes orginal documents and plates from the family dinner services used during the Royal visits.
2019.31.1: Saltaire: The origins of a model industrial communitySaltaire: The origins of a model industrial community
2019.8.1: Fire Hose nozzleFire hose nozzle, marked Titus Salt Esqr.
2019.9.2.3: Saltaire town planShowing the town and works of Saltaire and Saltaire Park. From an original plan by Lockwood and Mawson c.1870. The park was under construction in 1870, but was always part of the Lockwood and Mawsons plan for the Town, so this may be a plan for the future or it may be to show the completed work. The corner site at the west end of Gordon Terrace is not yet developed. This site was bought by Sir Titus in 1874.
2021.22: Saltaire TalesSaltaire Tales by Eddie Lawler - Poems by Eddie Lawler with watercoloured pictures by Deborah M. Lawson