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salts mill
H2-210.19: Pages 33-34 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918Nov 2 1906 Floral Exhibition at Windhill (2). Nov 2 1906 Shipley Lady's Charitable Bequest (2). Oct 5 1906 Fiftieth Anniversery of Salts Mill. Oct 10-12 1906 adverts. Oct 13 1906 adverts. Oct 31 - Nov 1 1906 adverts
H2-210.20: Pages 35-36 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918Oct 19 1906 Rosse Street Brotherhood. Oct 19 1906 Shipley School of Art Exhibition. Nov 9 1906 Councillor Roberts at the Shipley Ambulance Centre. Nov 9 1906 Theft from Salts Mill (1)
H2-210.24: Pages 43-44 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918April 16 1907 South Africa continued from April 16th (2). May 10-11 1907 adverts. June 28 1907 Roberts donation to Bradford Infirmary. Aug 7-10 1907 adverts. Aug 16 1907 Accident at Salts Mill. Sept 12 -07 Bradford's Incorporation of Shipley debate. Sept 12-18 -07 adverts. Sept 13 1907 Roberts at Shipley Golf Club
H2-210.38: Pages 71-72 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918Oct 28 1911 Fish Poisoning in the Aire and Wharfe. Nov 2 1910 advert. Nov 1 1911 The Bishop of Ripon and Salts Mill (1)
H2-210.45: Pages 85-86 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918Oct 4 1912 Salts Mill Prosecution under Factory Act (3). Feb 7 1913 Insurance of women operatives. March 5-8 - 13 advert. April 4-9 1913 advert. Aug 30 -13 advert. Sept 6 - 13 advert. Oct 6 1913 Bradford Extension scheme
H2-210.5: Pages 5-6 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918Aug 25-26 1905 adverts. Aug 24-26 1905 adverts. Sept 4-6 1905 adverts. Sept 8 1905 Salts Mill's rating appeal. Sept 11 1905 SJR on South African Ethnic Labour. May 4 1906 Proposed new Hospital at Saltaire (1)....
H2-210.8: Pages 11-12 from a book of James Robert's newspaper cuttings 1905-1918May 18 1906 Mr Roberts' offer to Shipley (2). May 18 1906 Letter re. Roberts offer to Shipley. May 25 1906 Salts Mill Officials at Arnside
Haworth, West Yorkshire, United KingdomHaworth is a village near to Keighley in West Yorkshire. Haworth is most famous as being the family home of the literary Brontë sisters. Sir James Roberts, owner of Saltaire and Salts Mill in the early twentieth century, bought Haworth Parsonage and gifted it to the Brontë Society for use as museum.
2018.54: Aerial photograph of SaltaireLarge black and white aerial photograph showing Saltaire, Salts Mill, and lower Baildon
2018.57: Cloth from Great BritainPromotional brochure for the subsidary companies of Illingworth, Morris Group. There is some brief introductory text. There are individual double-page presentations for each of the companies. One page features samples of cloth produced by the company. The other page is a photograph of a 'typica'l' scene from teh Britain of the time. There is an index of overseas agents at the back of hte book.
2018.59: Drawings of historic buildingsA collection of six black and white drawings of historic buildings in teh Bradford district. Includes one drawing of Saltaire Mills.
2022.39: Saltaire and its Founder, Sir Titus Salt Bart. by Abraham HolroydA book of text with black and white prints relating the life story of Sir Titus Salt, by a man who new him personally. Includes information on Saltaire Societies and Institutions, and the text of: 'A Song of Saltaire'. Includes a modern Introduction by Dereck Bryant, and a Biblography of historians and web-sites relative to Saltaire
2022.42: 'Saltaire - the origins of a model industrial community'A collection of 20 reproductions of old documents, prints and photographs relating to Saltaire
2022.62: It's a Mean Old Scene by Jim GreenhalfA History of Modern Bradford from 1974
B1-457: Burling and Mending DepartmentCopy of photograph of women in the Burling and Mending Department in Coronation Year 1953
B1-458: Lunch menues and recipesCopy of booklet of Lunch menues & recipies for the Canteen (Ref. to Mrs Minni Dibb, Head Cook 1940s-1957)
F1a-192: Alpaca; Foretelling the Future, stock and fibre in the 21st century, Volumn II.'Alpaca', a Magazine produced by the British Alpaca Society, this is the Winter 1999 edition and includes an article on fibre quality, and updates from around the world, including Australia and the USA.
D1-019a/b: Leisure - Groups & Societies.Photograph of Saltaire Mills Male Voice Choir
C2a-075a.1: Photographic memories of Louie North (Burling & Mending Manager)2 photographs of Louie North, a nurse and another lady (photos are the same)
C4a-015.3: Saltaire History Club poster February 2007A4 poster for Saltaire History Club Meeting February 2007 Introduction to Salts Mill's ventures in USA in 1870s and 1890s. An open forum discussion