Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Place name
Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hirst Wood was a large estate of land on the westernmost edge of Shipley, adjacent to Saltaire.
Item sets

Linked resources

Items with "Associated place or event: Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom"
Title Class
F1b-004: Miscellaneous Images Physical Object
F1b-092: Hirst Wood-Cottingingley Bar (016) Physical Object
H2-208.108: Baker Letters - regarding: Hirst Lane fields Physical Object
H2-208.118: Baker Letters - regarding: payment for sand; sale of Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.120: Baker Letters - regarding: field in Hirst Lane; Clarence Park for sale; bill for sand; greenhouses in park Physical Object
H2-208.127: Baker Letters - regarding: plans of land to Midland Railway; articles in Yorkshire Post; sale of Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.129: Baker Letters - regarding: Met Midland engineer; workshop; Hirst Mill and cottages; sale of stables and fields; sale of land between river and canal Physical Object
H2-208.140: Baker Letters - regarding: sale of the two mills and land, and boat house and land; new mill owners purchase houses Physical Object
H2-208.149: Baker Letters - regarding: Rents for allotments and cottage tenants; death of John Baker's son Physical Object
H2-208.159: Baker Letters - regarding: Tender for repair of Hirst Lane Physical Object
H2-208.160: Baker Letters - regarding: Plans are mentioned; tenders for road Physical Object
H2-208.162: Baker Letters - repairs on Hirst Lane Physical Object
H2-208.164: Baker Letters - regarding: plans sent; plans for Hirst Wood and Milner Fields Estate Physical Object
H2-208.167: Baker Letters - request for stone from quarry Physical Object
H2-208.168: Baker Letters - Tender for repairs Physical Object
H2-208.169: Baker Letters - regarding: Leeds and Liverpool Canal Co; tender for Hirst Lane; repair of water pipes Physical Object
H2-208.183: Baker Letters - regarding: query about Hirst Farm Physical Object
H2-208.187: Baker Letters - regarding: trees at Higher Hirst Woo Physical Object
H2-208.197: Baker Letters - regarding: Higher Hirst houses Physical Object
H2-208.209: Baker Letters - regarding: payment of rent and repairs; Jowett's land holding; sale of Higher Hirst Mills Physical Object
H2-208.210: Baker Letters - regarding: Higher Hirst Mill; Milner Fields as a Picture Palace; Glyn Thomas sale; allotment rents; value of Hirst Farm Physical Object
H2-208.211: Baker Letters - regarding: sale of Hirst Mills; value of land; possible sale of allotments Physical Object
H2-208.218: Baker Letters - regarding: threat to water weir; cost of houses in Bradford; sale of Higher Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.219: Baker Letters - regarding: rent level for Hirst cottages and allotments Physical Object
H2-208.228: Baker Letters - regarding: plans of Hirst Wood Estate Physical Object