Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Place name
Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hirst Wood was a large estate of land on the westernmost edge of Shipley, adjacent to Saltaire.
Item sets

Linked resources

Items with "Associated place or event: Hirst Wood, Shipley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom"
Title Class
H2-208.236: Baker Letters - regarding: Hirst Lock tenants; Lloyds bank cheque; Physical Object
H2-208.243: Baker Letters - regarding: rent arrears at Lower Hirst Locks Physical Object
H2-208.248: Baker Letters - regarding: Stephenson keeps Hirst Farm Physical Object
H2-208.258: Baker Letters - regarding: arrears on Hist Lock cottages Physical Object
H2-208.43: Baker Letters - letter from James Roberts concerning acreage of land near Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.47: Baker Letters - regarding: fire at Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.50: Baker Letters - regarding: insurnace claim for Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.51: Baker Letters - regarding: potential sale of land Physical Object
H2-208.53: Baker Letters - invoice for work Physical Object
H2-208.54: Baker Letters - regarding: purchase of the Mill by Mr Hill Physical Object
H2-208.61: Baker Letters - regarding: Fire at Hirst Mill Physical Object
H2-208.62: Baker Letters - regarding: repairs to Hirst Mill and John Baker's move to Morecambe Physical Object
H2-208.65: Baker Letters - regarding: Hirst Mill fire and insurance Physical Object
H2-208.66: Baker Letters - regarding: Insurance; purchase of estate, visit by Sir James Physical Object
H2-208.70: Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Normington; rebuilding of Mill Physical Object
H2-208.84: Baker Letters - regarding: boundary posts and land sales Physical Object
H2-208.93: Baker Letters - regarding: purchase of fields; boundary dispute settled; Milner Field and Hirst House Physical Object
H2-208.96: Baker Letters - regarding: Mr Robinson and water for Mill; possible sale of land on Coach Road Physical Object